Why Come to Earth?

He left His throne of glory
Where angels sang His praise,
Where heaven could not hold Him,
Where light concealed His ways,
To take a human body
And live with us below,
His life and perfect record
On us to then bestow.

He left His place in heaven
To suffer with us here,
To know our deepest struggles,
To share our every tear.
Why did He chose to humble
Himself in such a way?
To seem so average, common,
To share our pain each day?

He came because the Father
So loved the world He gave
His precious Son as Jesus
The world to freely save.
He came because He wanted
The joy that He could see
Of bringing God the glory,
And setting sinners free.

He came because His nature
Is mercy, love, and grace,
And by His death God’s justice
My record could erase.
By death He conquered dying,
By rising quelled the grave
For all who call upon Him
And ask, “Redeemer save!”

He came to please the Father,
To save me as His own.
Now He is high exalted
Upon His Father’s throne,
Where angels sing His praises
And all His people love
The Savior who left heaven
To bring them up above.

Christina Joy Hommes