When He Got Home

The Savior came and called him,
“Come home with me, my son.”
What joy in meeting Jesus
And hearing His “Well done!”

Christ led him through the entrance
To life that never ends
Where he was gladly greeted
By loved ones dear and friends.

A stranger ran to meet him,
“Don’t you remember me?
You told me of the Savior
Who set my spirit free!”

Another came, “You helped me
To spread the gospel’s light
To souls now praising Jesus
With hope and purpose bright.”

More people gathered round him
To thank him for his part
In pointing them toward heaven
And showing them God’s heart.

Perhaps he’s telling stories
Of battles fought and won,
Or at the throne rejoicing
In all the Lord has done.

If he was here, he’d tell us
“You can’t out-give the Lord,
So give Him time and talent
And watch for His reward.”

In loving memory of
Robert Whitehead
Christina Joy Hommes