Well Done, My Child, Well Done

I cannot see the finish line
That’s somewhere up ahead –
The homestretch may be very close
Or miles away instead.
However far may lie between
That mark and where I run,
These words are what I long to hear
The day my race is done:

“Well done, my child, you finished well,
The crown of life you won.
You fought the fight, you ran the race,
Well done, my child, well done!”

I cannot see the finish line,
But Jesus knows its place,
And He will give sufficient strength
To reach it by His grace.
So I’ll just run until He says,
“Come home,” and welcomes me –
I’ll keep right on until I hear
These words of victory:

“Well done, my child, you finished well,
The crown of life you won.
You fought the fight, you ran the race,
Well done, my child, well done!”

Christina Joy Hommes