We serve the greatest General
Who ever led the fight –
The King of kings, Lord Jesus,
Who stands for truth and right.

We are His royal army
Commissioned by His hand,
Privileged to serve our Savior
As on His strength we stand.

We face a foe that’s mighty
With subtle strategies
Whose strength but highlights Jesus’ –
Christ’s are the victories.

We cannot lose the battle
Since Christ has won the war;
Death is a swift promotion
To Captain’s headquarters.

We serve and love each other,
Encourage each to fight;
The Word of God – our Weapon,
Our Guidebook, and our Light.

We take His great salvation
By faith as armor strong,
The devil’s darts can’t pierce it
Or stop our victor’s song.

We wait with expectation,
With earnest hope we know
That Christ will finally vanquish
The remnant of our foe.

We know that He has promised
A home, a rest, a crown
Awarded to the faithful
Who gather round His throne.

We have no time to forfeit,
No strength to cast away;
On to the prize before us –
With Christ we’ll win the day.

Christina Joy Hommes