The Lord Our God

The Lord our God is mighty –
Immortal King of kings
Whose glory fills the heavens
As all creation sings.

His strength toward us is gentle,
His tenderness is strong,
While holiness and mercy
To God the Lord belong.

He made us for His glory
To show His skill and love,
His wisdom and His kindness
Are shining from above.

There’s no one else beside Him,
And none can be compared,
For He alone is worthy
Whose glory can’t be shared.

He’s perfect and unchanging
Who reigns in radiant light,
The faithful One whose judgements
Are always pure and right.

His goodness lasts forever,
His mercy will endure,
His promise is unchanging,
His Word is true and sure.

Eternal praise and honor
Belong to God alone;
He asks for love and service –
Come bow before His throne.

Christina Joy Hommes