The Gift of Song
You put Your song within our hearts
The day we came to You,
A song that echoes from above,
Well known yet ever new.
Your song gives voice to happy times –
A fountain of delight,
Expressing all our wordless joy
When things seem good and bright.
It brings us hope through troubled days
And comfort in the night;
Like healing balm it gives us life
And leads us to the light.
It makes the truth so real and clear
And guides our thoughts above,
Reminding us of faith and hope
And showing us Your love.
It brings us near to You, our God,
In worship, awe, and praise;
With songs and hymns we lift our voice
And sing Your wondrous ways.
It lifts our spirits, guides our lives,
And makes the wounded whole.
Lord, thank You for the gift of song –
The music of the soul.
Christina Joy Hommes
Christina – thank you once again for an inspiring piece of prose. This one spoke to me in particular because I have been a song leader off and on for over 50 years and I delight to sing the great hymns of the faith that praise our God and lift our hearts in worship.