The Broken Water Pot

I like the Chinese fable
About the broken pot –
It shows how God can use me
Although I fail a lot.

A woman drew her water
With two large pots of clay,
She used a yoke to carry
These water pots each day.

The one was proud of wholeness
And loved to boast and laugh;
The other cracked and leaking
Could only bring in half.

At last the broken vessel
Cried out in bitter shame
Suggesting she replace it
With one that wasn’t lame.

But with a gentle smile
She said, “Perhaps you’ve seen
The flowers that are growing
From here down to the stream.

“They grow up bright and healthy
Just on your side you’ll see
Because you give them water
So they will grow for me.”

Perhaps you see you’re broken
And think that God should use
A vessel fine and perfect
Like earthly kings would choose.

But God, to show His power,
Picks pots of broken clay –
Let’s “leak” the love of Jesus
To others every day.

Christina Joy Hommes