Testimony: Guard from the Tomb
Psst, did you hear He rose again,
The One they lately crucified?
They paid me well to never say,
But there are things you shouldn’t hide.
I kept my post and watched the grave
But thought all night, ‘Who guards the dead?’
I’d seen His twelve, and when He died
They, to a man, had quickly fled.
But as the black of night gave way
To grey of dawn, a blinding light
Burst forth with strength I’d never known
And knocked me out without a fight.
When I awoke, I saw the stone
Rolled back to show an open tomb;
I quickly ran to check inside
And found it empty through the gloom.
An empty tomb! What should I do?
They killed a guard who failed like me.
But money speaks, and deals were cut –
If I’d be silent, I was free.
The rumors swirled that He’d been seen,
That some had watched Him talk and eat;
It brought to mind what led those priests
To pay such sums to buy deceit.
What if He was the Son of God?
What if He died to save us all?
What if He rose and He’s alive?
What if I’d heard His loving call?
At last I came to see the truth,
It gave me life and set me free;
Now I’m alive because He rose
And gave His risen life to me.
He lives again, yes, I was there –
I felt His strength the day He rose.
If you believe, you’ll find the love
His risen life forever shows.
Christina Joy Hommes
Nicely done, Christina! Who knows how many Roman soldiers who mocked the Savior will be found in Heaven at last because the Holy Spirit opened their eyes and heart to believe that Jesus really was the Son of God?