by Christina Joy Hommes | Poems to Pray, Christian Poetry, Featured Poems
My Prayer for You I lifted your name to the Father And asked Him to bless you today, I asked Him to guide and sustain you Each step of your heavenward way. I mentioned your needs to the Father And asked Him to amply provide, I asked Him to show you His goodness That...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Poems to Pray
Coming Boldly (Hebrews 4:14-16) Lord, help me come with boldness To seek Your throne for grace. You know how much I need You And long to see Your face. I boldly ask for mercy For Christ my Savior’s sake Who faced the same temptations Yet stood and didn’t break. He...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Poems about Eternity
Well Done, My Child, Well Done I cannot see the finish line That’s somewhere up ahead – The homestretch may be very close Or miles away instead. However far may lie between That mark and where I run, These words are what I long to hear The day my race is done:...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Poems for the Christian Life
The Gift of Song You put Your song within our hearts The day we came to You, A song that echoes from above, Well known yet ever new. Your song gives voice to happy times – A fountain of delight, Expressing all our wordless joy When things seem good and bright. It...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Praising the Lord, Thanksgiving Poems
Psalm 100 We raise a joyful noise to You Our Maker, Shepherd, Guide For endless mercies ever new And truth that will abide. We come to serve with cheerful song And hearts that overflow, Rejoicing that we each belong To One who loves us so. Within Your courts we lift...