by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Poems for the Christian Life, Poems for Trials
Let God Write the Story So often as we walk through life We want to know the ending; We want to see it all work out When things are just beginning. But God most often doesn’t show The map of where He’ll lead us; He simply shows us day by day The way to...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, New Year Poems
Whatever Comes This Year Whatever lies ahead this year I face with faith instead of fear For God my Shepherd guides my way And walks beside me day by day. Whatever blessings bring delight Will be reflections of God’s light, And I’ll rejoice and look for...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Thanksgiving Poems, Christian Poetry, Poems to Pray, Praising the Lord
With Thankful Hearts With thankful hearts we look above And see You on Your throne, We glorify Your mighty Name And worship You alone. With thankful hearts we’re looking back At all the things You’ve done, We stop to see Your mighty works And praise them...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Poems about Eternity
Well Done, My Child, Well Done I cannot see the finish line That’s somewhere up ahead – The homestretch may be very close Or miles away instead. However far may lie between That mark and where I run, These words are what I long to hear The day my race is done:...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Poems for the Christian Life
The Gift of Song You put Your song within our hearts The day we came to You, A song that echoes from above, Well known yet ever new. Your song gives voice to happy times – A fountain of delight, Expressing all our wordless joy When things seem good and bright. It...