by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Poems for the Christian Life, Poems to Pray
Stirred Up Lord, stir my soul from deep within, Reveal what’s good and cleanse from sin; Renew my soul to long for You And hunger for the Scriptures, too. Revive my spirit with Your grace To daily run my Christian race, To learn and do Your will for me And serve...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Poems for the Christian Life, Poems to Pray
Oh, to Be Single-Hearted Oh, to be single-hearted Fully on fire for You Caring what Jesus only Thinks of the things I do Oh, to have love consuming All of my strength and soul Yielding with glad abandon Unto Your kind control Oh, to be single-minded Focused on Christ...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Poems for the Christian Life, Poems to Pray
Lord, Draw Me Close to You Lord, draw me close to you To know You more, I pray, That I might see You as You are And walk with You today. Please show me what You love So I can love it, too, And help me turn from things You hate So I can be like You. Reveal Your...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Poems for the Christian Life, Poems to Pray
Your Word Upon My Heart Engrave Your Word upon my heart And burn it deep within So it will impact every part And keep my thoughts from sin. Reveal its living truth to me, Illumine every word; Your Spirit’s teaching is the key To know what I have heard. Direct my steps...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Poems for the Christian Life, Poems to Pray
Correct, Counsel, Comfort Dear Holy Spirit, use Your Word To guide and guard my way So I remember what I’ve heard And live it day by day. Correct my thoughts and plans, I pray, To seek what’s good and true; Reveal my sin so when I stray I might return to...