(Abbreviated version below full poem.)
Seeing Jesus at the Cross
I see Him in the Garden bowed
In agony to pray,
“Lord, if you can, remove this cup,
But do your will I pray.”
I see Him in His captor’s hands
As gentle as a Lamb,
Though He had just displayed His strength
When He had said, “I Am.”
I see Him in the Jewish court,
Unjustly tried at night,
Declaring that He’d someday judge
If what they did was right.
I see Him look at Peter’s face
And know He was betrayed,
Yet show such love and pity still
For one for whom He’d prayed.
I see Him stand in Pilate’s hall
Without the least reply
Until He offered Pilate truth
And warned the guilt won’t die.
I see Him mocked and pierced by thorns,
I see Him beaten, scourged,
All for my sake, to make me His,
When all my sins were purged.
I see Him led outside the camp,
Bowed down beneath a cross,
Too weak to bear it by Himself
From so much pain and loss.
I see Him walking up the hill
Where grace would answer law,
Still more concerned for those He loved
Than for His pain so raw.
I see Him nailed to yonder tree,
The Son of God and man,
Between two thieves hung up in shame
To keep salvation’s plan.
I see Him cry in deep despair,
“My God, My God,” then say,
“Why have You turned Your back on me?”
For God had turned away.
I see Him shout in victory,
“It’s finished!” All is done.
He bore God’s wrath and paid sin’s debt –
The conquest had been won!
I see Him bow His thorn-crowned brow
Then breath His last and die;
He freely gave Himself, a gift,
My life with His to buy.
I see Him wrapped and laid within
An empty borrowed tomb;
Three days and nights as He had said
Earth felt an awful gloom.
I see Him rise in victory
To die again no more –
The Victor over sin and death
Alive forevermore!
I see Him tender as He calls
To Mary through her tears;
He called her name to give her hope,
And scatter all her fears.
I see Him teach the two who walked
With heavy hearts that day
And show them how God’s Word had said
It had to be this way.
I see Him in the upper room
Reveal His hands and feet –
The Lamb once slain now raised to life
In victory complete.
I see Him back in Galilee
With Peter by the lake
Forgiving and restoring him
For love and mercy’s sake.
I see Him blessing those He loved
Whom He had made His own,
When clouds received Him from their sight
Ascending to His throne.
I see Him calling now to us
To turn to Him and live,
And interceding for His own –
Gifts only He could give.
I see Him waiting to return
To judge and to reward;
Will you be ready when He comes
Our mighty risen Lord?
Christina Joy Hommes
Seeing Jesus at the Cross
I see Him mocked and pierced by thorns,
I see Him beaten, scourged,
All for my sake, to make me His,
When all my sins were purged.
I see Him nailed to yonder tree,
To die there in my place,
My sin and shame He freely took
To give me life and grace.
I see Him shout in victory,
“It’s finished!” All is done.
He bore God’s wrath and paid sin’s debt –
The conquest had been won!
I see Him wrapped and laid within
An empty borrowed tomb;
Three days and nights as He had said
Earth felt an awful gloom.
I see Him rise in victory
To die again no more –
The Victor over sin and death
Alive forevermore!
I see Him waiting to return
To judge and to reward;
Will you be ready when He comes
Our mighty risen Lord?
Christina Joy Hommes