Psalm 46

God is our refuge and our strength,
A present Help in trouble,
Though earth dissolve, the mountains quake
And turn to piles of rubble.

Though oceans roar and billows roll,
Though earth’s foundations waver,
God is our sure and strong resort –
Our strong and mighty Savior.

There is a stream of life which flows
From God’s high throne in heaven,
With peace and healing in its stream
For strength and comfort given.

Within the place His people dwell
God is a safe foundation,
They won’t be moved for He’s their help,
Their strength, and their salvation.

The nations raged, deep troubles came,
God’s voice melts all resistance;
The Lord of hosts is with us still –
He’ll come to our assistance.

Come see the works that God has done,
The wars and strife He’s ended,
He brings true peace upon the earth,
His people He’s defended.

‘Be still and know that I am God
For I will be exalted,
No one will stand against my right
Which they have oft assaulted.’

The Lord of hosts is in our midst
And Israel’s God is with us,
Look up and see Him strong to save
Our Lord and Savior Jesus.

Christina Joy Hommes