Encouragement for Today
Welcome to a place where you can find encouragement for your daily walk with God!
The Lord Our God
The Lord our God is mighty –
Immortal King of kings
Whose glory fills the heavens
As all creation sings.
His strength is very gentle,
His tenderness is strong,
While holiness and mercy
To God the Lord belong.
He made us for His glory
To show His skill and love,
His wisdom and kindness
Are shining from above.
Let God Write the Story
So often as we talk through life
We want to know the ending;
We want to see it all work out
When things are just beginning.
But God most often doesn’t show
The map of where He’ll lead us;
He simply shows us day by day
The way to live for Jesus.
He knows the end, and that’s enough –
By faith we must believe it;
He’ll give us grace to get us through
If only we’ll receive it.
Whatever Comes This Year
Whatever lies ahead this year
I face with faith instead of fear
For God my Shepherd guides my way
And walks beside me day by day.
Whatever blessings bring delight
Will be reflections of God’s light,
And I’ll rejoice and look for ways
To lift my heart in thankful praise.
Whatever sorrows pierce my soul,
Whatever billows o’er me roll,
I’ll trust God’s grace will see me through
With strength to cling to what is true.
Life has many joys and challenges, but with a little daily encouragement you can face each day with confidence and hope no matter the circumstances. Our goal is to provide you with spiritual encouragement for today that strengthens your faith and renews your spirit. We offer Bible-based insights and resources that help you as you grow in your walk with the Lord and share His love and truth with others.
Renew Your Soul with a Spiritual "Devo-cation"
You can have summer in your soul even when it’s cold outside. The winter months don’t have to be spiritually cold. Be refreshed and encouraged as you enjoy this 14-day devotional.
Renew Your Soul with a Spiritual "Devo-cation"
You can have summer in your soul even when it’s cold outside. The winter months don’t have to be spiritually cold. Be refreshed and encouraged as you enjoy this 14-day devotional.
Finding Spiritual Encouragement in Every Season
Whether you are going through a season of blessing or challenge, timely encouragement can help strengthen and guide you. Our resources provide hope and spiritual refreshment for your daily walk with God. Explore our blog, devotionals, videos, and books to find the encouragement and perspective you need for today.
Remember who God is and see how He’s working in your life
Gain a fresh perspective on how the Bible speaks to your everyday life with answers and solutions to your questions and challenges
Find tools for growing in your faith and for loving and discipling others
Finding Spiritual Encouragement in Every Season
Whether you are going through a season of blessing or challenge, timely encouragement can help strengthen and guide you. Our resources provide hope and spiritual refreshment for your daily walk with God. Explore our blog, devotionals, videos, and books to find the encouragement and perspective you need for today.
Remember who God is and see how He’s working in your life
Gain a fresh perspective on how the Bible speaks to your everyday life with answers and solutions to your questions and challenges
Find tools for growing in your faith and for loving and discipling others
Close your eyes and simply listen to the encouraging devotionals and peaceful music, or read along to enjoy the beautiful, relaxing nature footage.
These worshipful poem videos will bring you peace and joy as you take a moment to experience and reflect on the love and goodness of God.
Close your eyes and simply listen to the encouraging devotionals and peaceful music, or read along to enjoy the beautiful, relaxing nature footage.
These worshipful poem videos will bring you peace and joy as you take a moment to experience and reflect on the love and goodness of God.
Together on a Winter Night
There’s nothing like a winter night
Around a cozy fire,
While snowflakes fall you’re tucked in tight
To form a family choir.
While laughter rings and each voice sings
The carols that we love,
We feel the joy that Christmas brings
When God came from above.
The tree-lights shine and every face
Is wreathed with festive smile;
Let cares begone as in their place
We gather for awhile.
A Birthday Gift for Jesus
What can I give to Jesus
For Christmastime this year –
A birthday gift for Someone
So holy, kind, and dear?
What’s on the Savior’s wish list
That I could choose to do
To show His love to others
And tell Him “I love You”?
Perhaps an act of kindness
In His behalf today
To bless a weary pilgrim
And help them on their way.
Counting My Blessings
I stop to count my blessings
And every time I find
There’s more than I can number
Since God’s so good and kind.
Yet still I love to list them,
These blessings from above,
To praise my God and notice
The greatness of His love.
For breath and life You give me,
For daily food and care,
For timely rain and sunshine,
For mercies everywhere,
With Thankful Hearts
With thankful hearts we look above
And see You on Your throne,
We glorify Your mighty Name
And worship You alone.
With thankful hearts we’re looking back
At all the things You’ve done,
We stop to see Your mighty works
And praise them one by one.
With thankful hearts we look around
At blessings from above –
Provision, guidance, answered prayer –
That show Your constant love.
My Prayer for You
I lifted your name to the Father
And asked Him to bless you today,
I asked Him to guide and sustain you
Each step of your heavenward way.
I mentioned your needs to the Father
And asked Him to amply provide,
I asked Him to show you His goodness
That always stays close by your side.
I spoke of your work to the Father
And asked Him to richly reward,
I asked Him to prosper your service
That honors our Savior and Lord.
How Many Times?
How many times have you painted the sky?
How many times taught a bird how to fly?
How many times have you sculpted a wave?
How many times carved a canyon or cave?
How many snowflakes and clouds have you formed?
How many diamonds by pressure transformed?
How many roses and violets designed?
How many stars have you lit and aligned?
New Year Praise
I’m looking back on all the things
You’ve done for me this year,
And, Lord, I’m overwhelmed with awe
At grace so real and dear.
Who’d ever think of all the things
You ordered just for me,
And only You are able, Lord,
To work so perfectly.
Though words can’t say the thanks I owe,
I’ll praise You just the same,
And by my actions seek to show
How much I love Your Name.
As Christmas Ends
As Christmastime is ending
With all its festive light,
The trees and all the tinsel
Will sleep a year-long night.
But joy and peace continue
With hope and grace and love;
Goodwill is still extended
From God who reigns above.
Nativites are hidden –
In attics boxed away –
But Jesus stays among us
To guide us day by day.
Imagine Christmas
Imagine being Joseph
And looking for a place
To house a pregnant mother
But finding there’s no space.
Imagine being Mary
And laying God’s own Son
Within a rough hewn manger
Wrapped tight in plain homespun.
Imagine you’re a shepherd
While angel gladly tell
That Christ is come to save us,
Our true Emmanuel.
Your poetry always seems to hit the spot just in the right time. – J.B.
I wasn’t ever into poetry but yours have so much depth into what our Lord says to us through His Word. Everything you write has God in it. I like that. Thanks for using this gift He has given you. You are a blessing to me. – R.D.
Your poems refresh my soul. … I just take a deep breath whenever I read one of your poems and enjoy it. – E.H.
Thank you for being God’s jar that pours out refreshing glimpses of that divine love all year long through your poetry. – J.S.
When I shared your poem with the ladies in my Bible study, there were audible reactions to it. It really connected with them and helped them see the topic from a different angle. – K.B.
They cause me to reflect on the heart and things of God and I love writing that does that! – R.C.