O Day of Resurrection!

O day of resurrection
Alive with promise bright
Of endless life and glory
Beyond the shades of night,
We greet you with rejoicing,
With hymns and anthems sweet
Because our foes lie conquered
Beneath our Savior’s feet!

We lift our hearts in praises
To Him who rose to life,
Who bought with His own life-blood
The triumph in the strife;
He took our sins and sorrows
And died upon the tree
That for the vast forever
We might be fully free.

We bring our happy worship
With glad and joyful song
To honor our Redeemer
So loving, good, and strong;
For when He rose to glory,
He proved our debt was paid
Forever, fully canceled –
We need not be afraid

So on this happy morning
Above the rest we bring
Our joyful songs of praises
To Jesus Christ our King,
For by Your resurrection
You made us free and new –
Eternal hallelujahs
Be evermore to You!

Christina Joy Hommes