My Life Will Sing Your Praise
Our lives are each a single note
In life’s great song of praise
To worship God whose loving grace
Will guide our passing days.
Some notes are long and some are short,
Some whisper, others shout,
But all become a single song
The world cannot drown out.
Lord, help me fully live the note
Your love composed for me
So all I do will sing Your praise
For all eternity.
Christina Joy Hommes
This poem is part of Summer for the Soul a 14-day spiritual “devo-cation” that will refresh and encourage your heart. Get a copy to read or share here
Thank you, Christina. I read your post each week. I of course enjoy the musical comparisons today, but this was a particular blessing to me. God bless you.
Thank you again for another poem.
I really enjoyed the theme and creativity in developing that theme. It was one that I may borrow in the future as I write myself.
May God bless you as you continue to write in encourage others.