Mark 8:36
And what if I should gain the praise
Of all who live on earth,
Yet lose the praise of Him who came
To offer second birth?
And what if I should gain the wealth
Of all the world and more,
Yet lose the riches that will last
Beyond the golden shore?
And what if I should gain such fame
My name was always known,
Yet lose the name ‘beloved of God’
Before God’s holy throne?
And what if I should gain true ease
With all the things I crave,
Yet lose the rest God offers free
To each that He will save?
And what if I should gain the skills
And wisdom of this world,
Yet lose the wisdom hid in Christ
Throughout His Word unfurled?
And what if I should gain the world
With all it offers me,
Yet lose my soul which is my life
For all eternity?
Christina Joy Hommes
“For what shall it profit a man,
if he shall gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul?”
Mark 8:36