Lord, Thank You
Lord, when I try to thank You
For all You’ve done for me,
There’s so much I could mention
And more I cannot see.
You made the world around me
So beautiful and bright,
To show Your love and power
And echo heaven’s light.
You send such loving blessings
To show me day by day
How well You know and love me
And guide me all the way.
You give me home and loved ones
Where I can feel Your love
With friends and church that show me
What life must be above.
You speak to me through Scriptures
So I can walk with You
To light my path and teach me
The things I ought to do.
You came to be my Savior
And wash my sins away;
You died and rose to save me,
And hear me when I pray.
You call me to a purpose –
To walk with You below,
To testify of Jesus
And share the love I know.
You tell me of the glory
That waits on heaven’s shore
Where soon I’ll see my Savior
And live forevermore.
I think of all these blessings
With thousands more beside –
Your favor and Your presence,
The way that You provide.
Lord, thank You for Your mercy
And pardon full and free,
For words to praise and bless You
For all You’ve done for me!
Christina Joy Hommes
Christina – another wonderful expression of faith! Thanks for sharing; we have much to be thankful for on earth, but oh the joys we shall be eternally thankful for when we stand on heaven’s shore.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. May
God bless you and your family and your paths forevermore.
Maxine Murray