It didn’t take Him by surprise
This trouble that you face;
God didn’t sleep or close His eyes
When you were near this place.
He has a plan you cannot see
And wouldn’t understand,
But if you’ll trust Him faithfully
He’ll guide you by His hand.
He wants to work in bigger ways
Than all the plans you’ve laid
To bring the Savior greater praise
As you have asked and prayed.
He wants to make you like the Lord
So Jesus shines through you
That you might gain a rich reward
When He has brought you through.
So do not fear when darkness falls,
The shadows will not last;
In tender tones your Father calls,
“My love will hold you fast.”
Christina Joy Hommes
Christina – an excellent reminder that “God works all things together for good, to those that love Him and keep His commandments.” Trials can be His refining fire to purify us for His glory and our sanctification
Love in Christ,
Paul Sauvé