Hymns & Spiritual Songs
Here are some hymns and spiritual songs. I pray they will encourage you and point you to our glorious God.
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When He leads me through the valley,
When He hides me in His hand
As the waves are crashing o’er me
Till I can no longer stand,
Then I rest upon His goodness
In the sweetness of His love
And I look for all His kindness
Pointing me to look above.
When He shields me in His mercy,
When He guards me by His grace
From temptation raging round me
In this dark and sinful place,
Then I lean upon His power
Stronger than the strongest pull
And I taste through danger’s hour
All His nature pure and full.
When He keeps me in His kindness,
When He holds me to His heart,
O the blessing of His goodness
And the peace He can impart.
Then I whisper in the stillness,
“Here I am, O Lord, Thine own.”
And He shows to me a fullness
Of His love I had not known.
Christina Joy Hommes
Go forth with God to every land
As bearers of the light,
As messengers of Christ our King
To those who dwell in night.
The Lord who calls you from our midst
Will surely go with you
To guide you in His grace and might
In all that you will do.
Go forth to share the gospel hope
Of God’s redeeming Word,
And take to arm you for the fight
The armor of our Lord.
When you have fought, you will prevail,
And when the battle’s done
You will receive the prize of life
An everlasting crown.
Go forth, let nothing hold you back,
As heralds of the cross,
But live and love for Jesus’ sake
With all things counted loss.
For He is faithful – cannot fail –
His foes cannot prevail,
The tears we shed this side the veil
Before those joys will pale.
Go forth in faith to yonder home
For Jesus goes as well,
And He is ever near to bless
Wherever we may dwell.
Whatever lies beyond this step
Is planned for you in love;
Here we will bear you up in prayer
Before God’s throne above.
Christina Joy Hommes
I have a God who built the mountains,
Who holds the oceans in His hand,
Who stretched the sky and holds it open,
Who guides the worlds by His command.
My God has spoken out of nothing
All things I see and natures laws;
He stoops to care for His creation,
Deserves its constant vast applause.
He sets the bounds of all the oceans
And tells the storm clouds to be still,
The mountains tremble at His coming
While hastening to do His will.
I will rejoice and sing His praises!
This is my hope and confidence –
My God alone rules all creation,
He is my Rock and my defense.
Christina Joy Hommes
How can this work for good,
This sorrow, grief, and pain?
Can this be understood
To turn to joy and gain?
Lord, give me faith to rest
And give me eyes to see
That all Your ways are best –
Ordained in love for me.
This side of heaven’s light
The mists so often hide
The answers out of sight
And faith must be my guide.
But through it I can see
God’s promise in His Word –
What He allows will be
To make me like my Lord.
I do not understand,
But, Lord, I will believe
That from Your gracious hand
New strength I will receive.
Christina Joy Hommes
Romans 8:28-29
God is our refuge and our strength,
A present Help in trouble,
Though earth dissolve, the mountains quake
And turn to piles of rubble.
Though oceans roar and billows roll,
Though earth’s foundations waver,
God is our sure and strong resort –
Our strong and mighty Savior.
There is a stream of life which flows
From God’s high throne in heaven,
With peace and healing in its stream
For strength and comfort given.
Within the place His people dwell
God is a safe foundation,
They won’t be moved for He’s their help,
Their strength, and their salvation.
The nations raged, deep troubles came,
God’s voice melts all resistance;
The Lord of hosts is with us still –
He’ll come to our assistance.
Come, see the works that God has done,
The wars and strife He’s ended,
He brings true peace upon the earth,
His people He’s defended.
‘Be still and know that I am God
For I will be exalted,
No one will stand against My right
Which they have oft assaulted.’
The Lord of hosts is in our midst
And Israel’s God is with us,
Look up and see Him strong to save
Our Lord and Savior Jesus.
Christina Joy Hommes
God of the impossible
From Whom the mountains flee
Who thunders with a mighty voice,
I come in awe to Thee.
Abba Father, let me come
And view this mystery,
That such a God would condescend
To love and think on me.
Son of God, Almighty Lord,
Creator of all things;
The universe obeys His voice
To Whom creation sings.
Shepherd, Savior, Loving Friend,
Who died to set me free,
Who left His throne and gave His life,
Then rose in victory.
Spirit of the living God,
Bright purifying flame,
With glory unapproachable
I love Thy mighty Name.
Comforter, Indwelling Guide
Who teaches me God’s love,
Remind me of Christ’s promises
And show the way above.
Blessed, holy Trinity
Three persons yet one God,
On Whom the universe depends,
Transcendent, mighty, good.
God Almighty, Three-in-One,
My Father, Savior, Guide,
Who loves me as none other loves
My God Who will provide.
Christina Joy Hommes
We come, our Master and our God,
To magnify Your Name;
To spread its gracious worth abroad,
And to increase its fame.
We lift our voices to declare
Your worthy Name and ways,
Accept, we pray, our humble prayer
Of grateful, loving praise.
We’ve heard of all the works You’ve done
For generations past,
We know the triumphs of Your Son
And how He’ll come at last.
We’ve told of works on our behalf
Which You have wrought in love,
We look for mercies on the path
That leads our steps above.
We see the bright variety
Of all Your hand designed,
We marvel at the strength we see
Sustaining all we find.
We hear the waves that lift their voice,
The thunder claps its hands;
In awe and wonder we rejoice –
Each follows Your commands
We know the tender love You show,
You form and plan our days,
Your gentleness and strength we know
Which now inspire our praise.
We hope in You with confidence
Because we’ve seen the past,
And trust what You have promised us –
Your faithful mercies last.
Christina Joy Hommes
Guardian of My Soul
Waves of life are sweeping o’er me,
But my Rock is holding fast;
In His Arms of love He’ll fold me
Till the storm is safely past.
Keep me, gracious Savior, keep me
Through the storm as breakers roll;
In Your Arms of love enfold me –
Be the Guardian of my soul.
Heavy billows crash around me,
Round my haven safe and sure,
Jesus cannot, will not fail me –
In His strength I rest secure.
Blessed be the storm that drives me
Closer to my trusted Rock;
Soon I’ll see the love that keeps me
When I’ve passed beyond the dock.
Christina Joy Hommes
How sweet the Providence that guides
Each saint through days untold,
The everlasting grace that hides
My soul within Christ’s fold.
How kind to me the will that planned
To make and save my soul,
That loved me as the ages spanned
And planned to make me whole.
How precious is the safe retreat
Beneath my Savior’s cross
Where though life’s storms around me beat
My soul will meet no loss.
How glorious is the mansion bright
Prepared for me above
Where I shall trade my faith for sight
And see my Savior’s love.
Christina Joy Hommes
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