Please consider this poem I was asked to write and read for a human trafficking awareness event:
My days are filled with sorrow,
With heaviness and pain,
With fear that holds me captive –
A tool of other’s gain.
Is there a friend or sister
Who hears my groans, my tears,
And cares enough to tell me
A word which ends all fears?
A word of hope that Jesus
Became a man to live
A life of shame and suffering
This hope to me to give.
A word of hope that Jesus,
Though sinless, came to die,
To bear my sin and anguish,
To suffer, hunger, sigh.
A word of hope that Jesus,
Now risen, lives above,
And that He wants to save me,
Give me His matchless love.
O sister, are you willing
To feel the pain I feel
That you might tell a sinner
Of One whose wounds can heal?
He can forgive and heal me,
His love can make me whole.
Will you reach out and tell me
The value of my soul?
Christina Joy Hommes