HOPE Refined
is now
Vibrant Hope Ministries

Thank you for stopping by! You’ll find the same encouragement and biblical resources here that used to be at HopeRefined.com

What’s Behind the Name

After more than a decade of ministry as HOPE Refined, we have a new name – Vibrant Hope Ministries. For several years I’d been asking the Lord to lead us to a new name, something that would be easier for people to remember and that would better communicate our core mission of providing encouragement and biblical resources that help Christians grow in their walk with the Lord and share His love and truth with others.

The inspiration for the name came from Psalm 1. In verses 2-3, the Lord says that if we delight in His Word and meditate on it day and night, we’ll be blessed. He describes this Bible-rooted Christian as being like a tree planted by rivers of waters who consistently bears fruit and whose leaf doesn’t wither. This idea of living a life where our leaf never withers really caught my attention. It reminded me that no matter our circumstances, we have a source of vibrant hope if we walk close to the Lord. Even in dry seasons, we can flourish and grow as Christians because God gives us abundant life, joy, and purpose.

Vibrant Hope seems to capture the heart of what this ministry is all about – reminding Christians of our hope both for today and for eternity. It conveys the idea of finding encouragement for our daily life and service through walking with God and getting to know Him through His Word. As we thought and prayed about the change, it became apparent that the name Vibrant Hope Ministries was an answer to prayer.

What You’ll Find at Vibrant Hope Ministries

All the devotional poems and biblical resources from Vibrant Hope Ministries are designed to help you be the type of vibrant Christian God describes in Psalm 1:1-3. The reminders and insights will encourage you as you continue to grow in your walk with the Lord. And you’ll find tools and resources you can use as you encourage, reach, and disciple others.

Whether you’re in a season of blessing or trial, you’ll find encouragement and biblical perspective to better enjoy and share the vibrant hope we have in Jesus Christ today.

May everything you see here help you:

    • Understand and live the Bible every day
    • See how the Lord is working in your life
    • Remember who God is and how much He loves and cares for you
    • Reflect God’s love and truth to others
    • Walk with the Lord in confidence, obedience, and joy

If you’d like to receive the weekly encouraging poem and updates about new resources, you can sign up for my emails here.

devotional poems
Poem Videos
inspiring resources
encouraging songs and hymns