God’s Calling
God’s called some of His servants
To pathways very clear
Which everyone can notice
So quickly they appear.
Paul is a good example –
Apostle to the Greeks.
He magnified his office
Which filled his days and weeks.
George Müller heard God’s calling
To show the modern world
The same God still is working
Who galaxies unfurled.
God calls some other servants
To callings very tough
Where fruit seems nonexistent
And every path is rough.
Ezekiel was commissioned
To preach to hearts of stone,
Deaf ears, eyes full of blindness
Which would not heed or turn.
When William Carey started
In India, he served
For seven years with nothing
To show, yet never swerved.
God calls some of His people
To callings more obscure
Which aren’t defined so clearly,
Yet they are blessed for sure.
Like Barnabas, whose calling
Was of encouragement –
He helped prepare God’s leaders,
Helped them when they were sent.
Young Mary Jones was chosen
To give the Welsh God’s Word
By simply loving Jesus
And serving Him as Lord.
God calls yet other servants
To be a laughingstock
With great reward in heaven
Kept by their solid Rock.
Like Noah preaching warnings
About a coming flood,
And showing God’s salvation
Though no one understood.
When Wilberforce determined
That slavery must end
The world laughed and dissuaded –
His purpose didn’t bend.
God calls some to one pathway,
Some to another one;
But all work with each other
To glorify His Son.
Each has its special challenge,
Each its unique reward.
Lord, here am I, Your servant,
Willing to be outpoured.
Christina Joy Hommes