God Didn’t Have to Care
Enthroned in perfect splendor
God didn’t have to care
About rebellious creatures
Who sinned and faced despair.
Yet love defined His nature –
He wouldn’t turn away
From those that He’d created
Though we had gone astray.
He felt our pain and sorrow
And grieved that we were lost;
He set His mind to save us
Despite the awful cost.
He left the light and glory,
The worship and the praise,
To share a world we’d broken
With all our sinful ways.
Then, when He’d faced temptation,
He took sin’s heavy load
And died the death we’d chosen
To pay the debt we owed.
Though crucified He triumphed –
He rose to crush our foe
And offer free salvation
To all who dwell below.
Now risen and exalted,
The God-man gladly bears
The marks of our redemption
Which make us sons and heirs.
Enthroned in perfect splendor
He reaches down in love
To save the lost and give us
His endless life above.
Christina Joy Hommes
Thank you for the blessing!