The Wagner family is leaving for Myanmar at the end of the year. As they go, I want them to know I will be praying, so I wrote this sending off hymn for them. Here is the text (see the music, audio, or video):
Go forth to Burma’s golden land
As bearers of the light,
As messengers of Christ our King
To those who dwell in night.
The Lord who calls you from our midst
Will surely go with you
To guide you in His grace and might
In all that you will do.
Go forth to share the gospel hope
Of God’s redeeming Word,
And take to arm you for the fight
The armor of our Lord.
When you have fought, you will prevail,
And when the battle’s done
You will receive the prize of life
An everlasting crown.
Go forth, let nothing hold you back,
As heralds of the cross,
But live and love for Jesus’ sake
With all things counted loss.
For He is faithful – cannot fail –
His foes cannot prevail,
The tears we shed this side the veil
Before those joys will pale.
Go forth in faith to yonder home
For Jesus goes as well,
And He is ever near to bless
Wherever we may dwell.
Whatever lies beyond this step
Is planned for you in love;
Here we will bear you up in prayer
Before God’s throne above.
For the Wagner Family
The Lord bless you and keep you
Christina Joy Hommes