Full Surrender

Lord, teach me full surrender
That gives myself to You
And trusts Your Word completely
In all I think and do.

For when I have surrendered
I won’t let hope or fear
Prevent me from obeying
What Scripture has made clear.

I’ll gladly seek to know You
And daily read Your Word
To know the things that please You
And what will bring reward.

It means I won’t hold grudges –
Since You’ve forgiven me
I’ll pardon those who wrong me
To keep my spirit free.

My words will be like Jesus,
Not sharp, unkind, or wrong,
But true and kind and helpful
Because You make me strong.

I’ll share the precious gospel
With people that I meet
So they can know the Savior
And find His love is sweet.

I’ll praise You for Your goodness
And talk to You in prayer
With confidence You hear me
Because You truly care.

Your love and Your compassion
Will guide the things I do.
Lord, I am Yours forever –
Please help me live for You.

Christina Joy Hommes