Come, see! The God of heaven
Is walking on this earth;
The angels He created
Announce His humble birth.
Come, see! The God of heaven
Is healing blind and lame
And making friends of outcasts
Who call upon His Name.
Come, see! The God of heaven
Is dying on the tree –
The innocent found guilty
To pardon you and me.
Come, see! The God of heaven
Is rising from the grave
Exalted and triumphant
To prove His pow’r to save.
Come, see! The God of heaven
Ascending to His throne
To intercede forever
For those He calls His own.
Come, see! The God of heaven
Is coming back to reign
With all His saints who follow
Exultant in His train.
Come, see! The God of heaven
Is making all things new.
Our King and our Redeemer
We bring our praise to You!
Christina Joy Hommes
A wonderful synopsis of our Savior’s life and redemptive work! Well done , Christina. May the Holy Spirit continue to inspire you to write prose for the glory of God.
So beautiful! I love your poems- they always lift me up and encourage me! Thanks for using your gifts to glorify our God! IN JOY! Debbie
Ms. Hommes, this is truly a beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing your awesome talent of poetry. I enjoy reading all of them. God bless you richly.