by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Poems for the Christian Life, Poems to Pray
Stirred Up Lord, stir my soul from deep within, Reveal what’s good and cleanse from sin; Renew my soul to long for You And hunger for the Scriptures, too. Revive my spirit with Your grace To daily run my Christian race, To learn and do Your will for me And serve...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, New Year Poems, Poems to Pray
New Year Praise I’m looking back on all the things You’ve done for me this year, And, Lord, I’m overwhelmed with awe At grace so real and dear. Who’d ever think of all the things You ordered just for me? And only You are able, Lord, To work so...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Thanksgiving Poems, Christian Poetry, Poems to Pray, Praising the Lord
With Thankful Hearts With thankful hearts we look above And see You on Your throne, We glorify Your mighty Name And worship You alone. With thankful hearts we’re looking back At all the things You’ve done, We stop to see Your mighty works And praise them...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Poems to Pray, Christian Poetry, Featured Poems
My Prayer for You I lifted your name to the Father And asked Him to bless you today, I asked Him to guide and sustain you Each step of your heavenward way. I mentioned your needs to the Father And asked Him to amply provide, I asked Him to show you His goodness That...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Poems to Pray
Coming Boldly (Hebrews 4:14-16) Lord, help me come with boldness To seek Your throne for grace. You know how much I need You And long to see Your face. I boldly ask for mercy For Christ my Savior’s sake Who faced the same temptations Yet stood and didn’t break. He...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Poems for the Christian Life, Poems to Pray
Lord, Give Me Words Lord, give me words so I can praise Your worthy Name, I pray, For You are holy, good, and kind And care for me each day. Lord, give me words so I can lift The weary soul to You, For words can comfort, heal, revive When gracious, kind, and true....