by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Gospel Poems, Poems for Holidays
White As Freshly Fallen Snow My heart was red as crimson With sin and guilt and shame, But through His death and triumph My Savior cleared my name. He took my sinful record And washed it all away; His blood has bought my pardon And makes me clean today. Now when I sin...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, New Year Poems
Whatever Comes This Year Whatever lies ahead this year I face with faith instead of fear For God my Shepherd guides my way And walks beside me day by day. Whatever blessings bring delight Will be reflections of God’s light, And I’ll rejoice and look for...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, New Year Poems, Poems to Pray
New Year Praise I’m looking back on all the things You’ve done for me this year, And, Lord, I’m overwhelmed with awe At grace so real and dear. Who’d ever think of all the things You ordered just for me? And only You are able, Lord, To work so...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christmas Poems, Christian Poetry
As Christmas Ends As Christmastime is ending With all its festive light, The trees and all the tinsel Will sleep a year-long night. But joy and peace continue With hope and grace and love; Goodwill is still extended From God who reigns above. Nativities are hidden –...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christmas Poems, Christian Poetry
Imagine Christmas Imagine being Joseph And looking for a place To house a pregnant mother But finding there’s no space. Imagine being Mary And laying God’s own Son Within a rough hewn manger Wrapped tight in plain homespun. Imagine you’re a shepherd While...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christmas Poems, Christian Poetry
Together on a Winter Night There’s nothing like a winter night Around a cozy fire, While snowflakes fall you’re wrapped up tight And form a family choir. While laughter rings and each voice sings The carols that we love, We feel the joy that Christmas...