by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Gospel Poems, Poems for Holidays
White As Freshly Fallen Snow My heart was red as crimson With sin and guilt and shame, But through His death and triumph My Savior cleared my name. He took my sinful record And washed it all away; His blood has bought my pardon And makes me clean today. Now when I sin...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Gospel Poems, Christian Poetry
Across the Line with Jesus When someone draws a haughty line And says it’s “us” and “them,” We’ll see across the line they drew That Man from Bethlehem. He always reached the lost and lone And healed the sick and lame; He saved the sinful, raised the dead, And bore...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Praising the Lord, Christian Poetry, Easter Poems for Resurrection Day, Good Friday Poems About the Cross, Gospel Poems
Still Worthy Before the world existed And time or space were made, God’s Son was with the Father In majesty arrayed. But then He came among us, A man like you and me. He faced the same temptations Yet stood in purity. Messiah still was worthy Of sitting on God’s...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Gospel Poems, Poems for the Christian Life
Just Take One Step If you’ve wandered far away Don’t know where to start today Take one step You don’t have to see ahead Little actions conquer dread Take one step If you cannot see the light Ask the Lord to guide you right Take one step Take the...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Gospel Poems, Poems for the Christian Life
Free to Live as Victors These my people are forgiven All their sins are washed away; With my blood I bought their pardon, Now there’s nothing more to pay. All their guilt and condemnation, All the wrath and bitter shame, All their sin I took and canceled When...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Easter Poems for Resurrection Day, Gospel Poems
Since Jesus Rose for Me When Jesus rose in victoryIt proved His work was done,The debt for sin was paid in full,And righteousness had won. The check had cleared, the debt was gone,My sin was washed away,No wrath remained, no claim was owed –He did it all that day. And...