by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Poems about Eternity, Poems for the Christian Life
I’ve made my reservation For heaven’s happy home Where I will dwell forever And never need to roam. I’ve great anticipation For heaven’s perfect rest Where pain and toil are over And I’ll be ever blessed. I’ve set my life’s...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Featured Poems, Poems about Eternity, Poems for Trials
When Things Get Worse Luke 21:28 The world is getting worse and worse With wars and with disease, With famine and ungodliness, With wicked men at ease. But don’t lose heart, instead look up Because these signs make clear That our redemption will be soon – The...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Poems about Eternity
If I Should Wake on Heaven’s Shore If I should wake tomorrow On heaven’s golden shore, Then glory! hallelujah! I’d feel earth’s pain no more. I’d see my precious Savior And fall before His feet To worship and to thank Him As face to face...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Featured Poems, Poems about Eternity
The Gates of Heaven Opened Wide The gates of heaven opened wide, I saw my Savior’s face! Pain disappeared in glorious rest While tears dissolved in grace. My Lord stretched out His arms of love And called me, “Child, come home.” I entered heaven’s glorious day – No...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Poems about Eternity, Christian Poetry, Featured Poems
What Heaven Is Like Heaven is a place of comfort,Heaven is a land of peaceWhere no sin or worry enter,Where life’s cares forever cease. Heaven is a place of triumph,Heaven is a land of graceWhere God’s children are rewarded,Where we’ll see our Savior’s face. Heaven is...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Poems about Eternity
Then, with a flash of glory, He’ll burst upon our sight, And we will all behold Him In raptures of delight. For in His blinding glory We’ll find ourselves transformed – Made lastingly immortal, Like Him at last re-formed. O what a day of glory! O...