by Christina Joy Hommes | Poems to Pray, Christian Poetry, Featured Poems
My Prayer for You I lifted your name to the Father And asked Him to bless you today, I asked Him to guide and sustain you Each step of your heavenward way. I mentioned your needs to the Father And asked Him to amply provide, I asked Him to show you His goodness That...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Featured Poems, Poems for Trials
I’ll Carry It Today Dear child, you know I love you, I care about your tears, I want to bear your burdens And calm your doubts and fears. This load that you’ve been wearing Is far too big for you, But I will gladly take it If you’ll just trust me to. I’m...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Christmas Poems, Easter Poems for Resurrection Day, Featured Poems, Good Friday Poems About the Cross, Praising the Lord
Come, see! The God of heaven Is walking on this earth; The angels He created Announce His humble birth. Come, see! The God of heaven Is healing blind and lame And making friends of outcasts Who call upon His Name. Come, see! The God of heaven Is dying on the tree –...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Featured Poems, Poems for the Christian Life
The Things We Choose The Scriptures we have treasured When days are glad and bright Become a kind of lifeline When day has turned to night. The hymns we love so dearly When things are going fine Become a kind of anchor When hope is on the line. The friendships we have...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Featured Poems, Good Friday Poems About the Cross, Gospel Poems
Where all My Hopes Are Built Yes, I deserve to die, My sin condemns my soul; And by myself I can’t escape Or shake its full control. But Jesus died for me – He took my sin and guilt, He paid my debt upon the cross Where all my hopes are built. Now I am free...
by Christina Joy Hommes | Christian Poetry, Featured Poems, Praising the Lord, Thanksgiving Poems
The One I Will Praise God orders my steps with compassion, His mercies are new every day; He knows what will come and prepares me, He teaches my heart what to pray. His goodness is strong and unfailing, His faithfulness flows from above, His grace is more sure than...