Poems to Pray
These poems to pray will give you fresh ideas of what to pray for. They’ll help guide your heart to pray biblically for yourself, for those you love, and for God’s glory and purposes to be accomplished.
If you you’re looking for help with your prayer life or are struggling to figure out what else to pray about, you can pray through one of these poems and make it your own as you talk with God today.

Stirred Up
Stirred Up
Lord, stir my soul from deep within,
Reveal what’s good and cleanse from sin;
Renew my soul to long for You
And hunger for the Scriptures, too.
Revive my spirit with Your grace
To daily run my Christian race,
To learn and do Your will for me
And serve You with humility.
Incline my mind and heart, I pray,
To seek the things above each day
That I might scorn the devil’s lies
And win with joy the lasting prize.
Restore my joy in what You’ve done
In giving us Your only Son;
Ignite a passion to declare
The gospel news with faith and prayer.
Awake my heart to sing Your praise
And worship You through all my days
That, by Your Spirit, Christ may shine
Forever through this life of mine.
Bring truth to mind and help me see
The goodness of Your love for me
That by Your grace my soul might be
Stirred up to live in victory.
Christina Joy Hommes

New Year Praise
New Year Praise
I’m looking back on all the things
You’ve done for me this year,
And, Lord, I’m overwhelmed with awe
At grace so real and dear.
Who’d ever think of all the things
You ordered just for me?
And only You are able, Lord,
To work so perfectly.
Though words can’t say the thanks I owe,
I’ll praise You just the same,
And by my actions seek to show
How much I love Your Name.
You never change, You’re always good,
So in the coming year
With eager heart I’ll watch for things
That show You’re always near.
With steadfast hope and strengthened faith
I’ll trust You day by day;
With guiding love and righteous grace
Please keep me in Your way.
Christina Joy Hommes

With Thankful Hearts
With Thankful Hearts
With thankful hearts we look above
And see You on Your throne,
We glorify Your mighty Name
And worship You alone.
With thankful hearts we’re looking back
At all the things You’ve done,
We stop to see Your mighty works
And praise them one by one.
With thankful hearts we look around
At blessings from above –
Provision, guidance, answered prayer –
That show Your constant love.
With thankful hearts we look ahead
With hope and trust in You
That what You’ve been You’ll always be
And as You’ve done You’ll do.
With thankful hearts we look to You
And lift our hands in praise
For all Your care and character
That guide and bless our days.
Christina Joy Hommes

My Prayer for You
My Prayer for You
I lifted your name to the Father
And asked Him to bless you today,
I asked Him to guide and sustain you
Each step of your heavenward way.
I mentioned your needs to the Father
And asked Him to amply provide,
I asked Him to show you His goodness
That always stays close by your side.
I spoke of your work to the Father
And asked Him to richly reward,
I asked Him to prosper your service
That honors our Savior and Lord.
I offered up praise to the Father
And lovingly thanked Him for you,
I asked Him to load you with blessings
And crown you with favor anew.
Christina Joy Hommes

Coming Boldly (Hebrews 4:14-16)
Coming Boldly
(Hebrews 4:14-16)
Lord, help me come with boldness
To seek Your throne for grace.
You know how much I need You
And long to see Your face.
I boldly ask for mercy
For Christ my Savior’s sake
Who faced the same temptations
Yet stood and didn’t break.
He sits with You in glory
A sympathetic King
Who makes us sinners worthy
To ask for anything.
Lord God, in humble boldness
I come before Your throne
And ask for help and power
To love and make You known.
Christina Joy Hommes

Lord, Give Me Words
Lord, Give Me Words
Lord, give me words so I can praise
Your worthy Name, I pray,
For You are holy, good, and kind
And care for me each day.
Lord, give me words so I can lift
The weary soul to You,
For words can comfort, heal, revive
When gracious, kind, and true.
Lord, give me words so I can point
The lost to life above,
For Jesus died and rose again
To offer saving love.
Lord, set a watch before my mouth
So I will only say
The things that please and honor You
And bring You joy today.
Christina Joy Hommes

Lord, Teach Me
Lord, Teach Me
Lord, teach me of Jesus
Who died for my sin
Then rose to redeem me
And cleanse me within.
Lord, teach me of Scripture
My treasure and light,
So faithful, enduring,
And changelessly right.
Lord, teach me of heaven
Where glory awaits
Your loved ones who enter
Its beautiful gates.
Lord, teach me the value
Of living for You
With loving devotion
In all that I do.
Lord, teach me to notice
Your work day by day,
Yes, teach me to praise You
And love You, I pray.
Christina Joy Hommes

Oh, to Be Single-Hearted
Oh, to Be Single-Hearted
Oh, to be single-hearted
Fully on fire for You
Caring what Jesus only
Thinks of the things I do
Oh, to have love consuming
All of my strength and soul
Yielding with glad abandon
Unto Your kind control
Oh, to be single-minded
Focused on Christ alone
Pure in both thought and motive
Making my Savior known
Oh, to know more of Jesus
Daily renewed by grace
Knowing Your will and living
Seeking to run my race
Oh, to be more like Jesus
Oh, to believe and be
Filled with Your Spirit’s power
All that You want for me
Christina Joy Hommes

O Lord Who Brought Your People Out
O Lord who brought Your people out
With strong and mighty hand
From Egypt’s bondage through the sea
To Canaan’s fruitful land,
O Lord who brought Your people back
With true forgiving grace
From years of long captivity
To find their promised place,
O Lord who brought Your people life
With sacrificial love
From fear of death to living hope
Of endless years above,
O Lord who’ll bring Your people home
With joy and trumpet blast
From sin and pain set free to reign
In perfect peace at last,
O Lord of strength and grace and love
Whose glory fills the sky,
Direct our steps as in those days
To lift Your Name on high.
Christina Joy Hommes

For All the Many Blessings
For All the Many Blessings
My heart is overflowing
With gratitude and love
For all the many blessings
You’ve sent me from above.
Forgiveness and salvation
Would be enough for me
Without a home in heaven
For all eternity.
Eternal life in heaven
Through Jesus Christ my Lord
Would be enough forever
Without His kind reward.
Rich treasures kept in glory
That cannot fade away
Would be enough, dear Savior,
Without sweet gifts today.
With all of these You’ve blessed me
And countless more each day –
They show Your loving kindness
And stir my heart to say:
Lord, thank You for Your mercy
So wide and deep and free –
My cup is running over
With all You’ve done for me.
Christina Joy Hommes