Poems of Praise
These poems will help you praise the Lord with heartfelt joy and thanks. Whether your heart is overflowing with gratitude and you want a poem of praise to express your thoughts and feelings in words or you are wondering how to praise the Lord, you can find biblical inspiration and help.
The Bible teaches us that praising the Lord is beautiful and fitting for God’s people. In good times it increases our joy and helps us get closer to God, and in hard times it helps us lift our minds to God and away from the pressures of life so that we can find joy and strength to carry on.

There’s No One Else Like Jesus
There’s No One Else Like Jesus
There’s no one else like Jesus
So loving and so true,
So holy and so righteous
Yet full of mercy, too.
There’s no one else like Jesus
So constant and so near,
He’s always right beside me
To guide, sustain, and hear.
There’s no one else like Jesus
So giving and so kind,
So willing to forgive me
And leave my past behind.
There’s no one else like Jesus
So changeless and so strong,
His goodness and His glory
Will be my endless song.
Christina Joy Hommes

God Didn’t Have to Care
God Didn’t Have to Care
Enthroned in perfect splendor
God didn’t have to care
About rebellious creatures
Who sinned and faced despair.
Yet love defined His nature –
He wouldn’t turn away
From those that He’d created
Though we had gone astray.
He felt our pain and sorrow
And grieved that we were lost;
He set His mind to save us
Despite the awful cost.
He left the light and glory,
The worship and the praise,
To share a world we’d broken
With all our sinful ways.
Then, when He’d faced temptation,
He took sin’s heavy load
And died the death we’d chosen
To pay the debt we owed.
Though crucified He triumphed –
He rose to crush our foe
And offer free salvation
To all who dwell below.
Now risen and exalted,
The God-man gladly bears
The marks of our redemption
Which make us sons and heirs.
Enthroned in perfect splendor
He reaches down in love
To save the lost and give us
His endless life above.
Christina Joy Hommes

The Name of Jesus
The Name of Jesus
I love the Name of Jesus –
There’s nothing else so dear;
It brings such joy and gladness
His precious Name to hear.
The saving Name of Jesus
Is wonderful to me –
It speaks of peace and pardon
And says that I am free.
The lovely Name of Jesus
Is beautiful and sweet –
My source of life and comfort,
It makes my joy complete.
The worthy Name of Jesus
Will someday be confessed
By every tongue and nation –
Forever praised and blessed.
The holy Name of Jesus
Is heaven’s glorious song,
The theme through endless ages
Of all the blood washed throng.
I love the Name of Jesus –
Oh, may my life proclaim
The glory, strength, and honor
That’s due His precious Name.
Christina Joy Hommes

1 Corinthians 15:51-58
1 Corinthians 15:1-4, 51-58
Oh death, where is the bitter sting
You boasted all those years?
And grave, where is the victory
You threatened to our fears?
The sting of death was bound in sin,
And sin drew strength from law;
By seeming inescapable
They held the world in awe.
But thanks to God through Jesus Christ
The victory is ours –
He died and rose to crush the grave
With sin and all its powers.
If we receive His work of grace
Then, at the trumpet blast,
We too, made incorruptible,
Shall rise to life at last.
So let us live in hope, unmoved,
And busy for the Lord,
For soon we’ll rise victorious
To find a great reward.
Christina Joy Hommes

Jesus: Almighty, Faithful, True
Jesus: Almighty, Faithful, True
Yes, He’s the Almighty, the Faithful, the True,
The Door and the Shepherd, the Savior for you,
The Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End,
Creator, Provider, Sustainer, and Friend.
Emmanuel, Jesus, Messiah, the Way,
The Lamb, Bread of life, and the Strength of our day,
The Word, the Incarnate, the Life and the Light,
Our Hope and our Anchor, our Song in the night.
Our Brother, our Master, our God, and our Lord,
The coming Defender who’s bringing reward,
The great Intercessor, the Morning Star bright,
The King, the Redeemer, the Father’s delight.
The Lion of Judah, the Seed who would win,
The Arm of Jehovah, the One without sin,
The Cornerstone, Witness, I Am, Heaven’s Heir,
The Christ, Resurrection, the Lily so rare.
The Rock of Salvation, the Image of God,
The Judge and High Priest, Son of man, Son of God,
The Author, the Captain, the Victor, the Key,
The Holy One, Yahweh, He’s all things to me.
Christina Joy Hommes
“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” Hebrews 13:8

The One I Will Praise
The One I Will Praise
God orders my steps with compassion,
His mercies are new every day;
He knows what will come and prepares me,
He teaches my heart what to pray.
His goodness is strong and unfailing,
His faithfulness flows from above,
His grace is more sure than the mountains,
He anchors my hope in His love.
There’s no one so kind and so patient,
His holiness shines like the sun;
He showers my path with His blessings
And meets all my needs one by one.
The Lord is my strength and my portion,
My trust and the hope of my days,
The source of my life and my Savior,
My refuge, the One I will praise.
Christina Joy Hommes

I Marvel at Your Handiwork
I Marvel at Your Handiwork
I marvel at Your handiwork
And wonder at Your plan
That sent the Son of God to earth
To die for sinful man.
I marvel at Your matchless grace
And wonder at Your love
That gave so much to make us sons
To dwell with You above.
I marvel at Your providence
And wonder at Your care
That guides all things with perfect skill
Yet hears and answers prayer.
I marvel at Your lavish gifts
And wonder at Your ways;
Lord, here I raise my thankful song
And give You all my days.
Christina Joy Hommes
This poem is part of Summer for the Soul a 14-day spiritual “devo-cation” that will refresh and encourage your heart. Get a copy to read or share here

Roles and Titles of Christ
Roles and Titles of Christ
Our God the great Creator
Became a man to die
That He might be our Savior
And King exalted high.
The Promised One – Messiah,
The everlasting Light,
The Alpha and Omega,
The Judge who’s just and right.
The Bread of Life, our Shepherd,
The Truth, the Life, the Way,
The Prince of Peace who conquered
To save His own today.
The Priest, our Intercessor,
The Lamb once sacrificed,
Our Master and Redeemer,
Our Savior Jesus Christ.
He is the Lord, exalted
Above all other things,
Now worshiped, praised, and lauded
The worthy King of kings.
Lift up your voice in singing
And praise His holy Name
Till earth and sky are ringing.
He’s evermore the same!
Christina Joy Hommes
See more of the roles and titles of the Lord Jesus in this book that weaves together Bible verses showing who He is:

God’s Goodness
God’s Goodness
God’s goodness is abundant
And never will run dry;
It’s always running over
To bless and satisfy.
God’s goodness is enduring –
It cannot fade away,
But lasts unchanged forever
To keep us day by day.
God’s goodness is sufficient –
It satisfies the soul
With peace and joy and mercy
That make the spirit whole.
God’s goodness shines in heaven
And in the earth below
Where all who live have tasted
The goodness God can show.
Come praise this God of goodness
For all He is and does!
The Lord is good forever –
Now as He always was.
Christina Joy Hommes

A Thankful Day
A Thankful Day
Today I’ll have a thankful day
And lift my heart in praise
For all the Lord has done for me
In big and little ways.
For sunny skies and healing rain,
For labor and for rest,
For friends and loved ones near and far –
How richly I’ve been blessed!
Though I may shed a tear or two,
My day will still be bright,
Because a thankful attitude
Makes any day alright.
Lord, thank You most of all for grace,
For always being there,
For saving me and showing me
Such tender, loving care.
Christina Joy Hommes