Poems for Trials
These poems for trials provide comfort and hope from the Bible for difficult times. It’s so comforting to remember God’s promises and see His hand at work in our lives as we face the challenges of life.
These encouraging poems provide a fresh perspective on the purpose and meaning of trials and remind us of God’s unfailing promises: the Lord is always with us, these trials won’t last forever, He will not allow more than is best to make us like the Lord Jesus, He loves it when we trust Him even when we can’t understand or see what He’s doing, and so much more.
If you have a friend going through hard times and don’t know what to say, sharing one of these encouraging poems will help you extend love and support in a thoughtful way.

Let God Write the Story
Let God Write the Story
So often as we walk through life
We want to know the ending;
We want to see it all work out
When things are just beginning.
But God most often doesn’t show
The map of where He’ll lead us;
He simply shows us day by day
The way to live for Jesus.
He knows the end, and that’s enough –
By faith we must believe it;
He’ll give us grace to get us through
If only we’ll receive it.
Like Joseph in the prison cell,
Like Esther – crowned but grieving,
Like John on Patmos, we can’t see
The wonders God is weaving.
So step by step we do God’s will
And let Him write the story,
Till someday, looking back, we see
His wisdom, love, and glory.
Christina Joy Hommes

I’ll Carry It Today
I’ll Carry It Today
Dear child, you know I love you,
I care about your tears,
I want to bear your burdens
And calm your doubts and fears.
This load that you’ve been wearing
Is far too big for you,
But I will gladly take it
If you’ll just trust me to.
I’m strong – it will not hurt me,
I’m wise – I’ll understand,
I’m kind – I want to help you,
I’m good – so trust my hand.
Lay down this heavy burden
And let it roll away,
Release the strain and worry –
I’ll carry it today.
Christina Joy Hommes

Only for a While
Only for a While
The wicked sometimes prosper,
But only for a while –
Swift judgment is awaiting
Their final, careless mile.
The godly sometimes suffer,
But only for a while –
The Lord Himself is waiting
To turn it to a smile.
So do not be discouraged
When things seem upside down,
Though patient, God is working
And soon you’ll wear a crown.
Christina Joy Hommes

Through Cloud and Storm
Through Cloud and Storm
The clouds may gather overhead
And turn life’s skies to gray,
The winds may blow and shake the things
I thought would always stay.
But still the love of Christ my Lord
Shines brightly through the rain,
His tender kindness and His care
Bring comfort through the pain.
His goodness makes a rainbow gleam
Through all my falling tears,
His faithful mercy never ends
Through all the passing years.
So let the clouds and storms blow in,
Let winds and thunder roll,
I’m sheltered safe in mighty love
That guards and heals my soul.
Christina Joy Hommes

How Faith Grows Stronger
How Faith Grows Stronger
God starts us out on little ponds
Where daily winds seem strong;
We learn to trust in shallow pools
But never stay there long.
We’re soon afloat the lakes of life
Where thunderstorms seem big;
We gain more faith when tossed about
By winds that shake our rig.
Then on to oceans deep and wide
He guides our little barque;
As tempest blow and billows roll
We trust Him in the dark.
As faith grows stronger, tests grow too
To make us like our Lord;
He gives more peace and joy with each
And multiplied reward.
Christina Joy Hommes

God Loves It When We Trust Him
God Loves It When We Trust Him
God loves it when we trust Him
With simple, childlike faith
That doesn’t doubt or worry
But rests in loving grace.
He loves it when our actions
And countenance display
A confident assurance
That He’ll direct our way.
He loves a joyful spirit
That cannot see ahead
But holds to every promise
The Lord Himself has said.
He loves our quiet watching
For what His hand will do
That says, “The Lord’s been faithful –
He always brings me through.”
He loves a heart that’s peaceful
When facing flood and flame –
A living song of worship
That magnifies His Name.
He loves it when we trust Him
Not just for life above
But through the storms, believing
His tender care and love.
Christina Joy Hommes

Through the Valley
Through the Valley
You’ve led me through the valley,
Across the wilderness,
I saw Your tender mercy
And felt Your faithfulness.
You took me through the furnace,
Across the raging sea,
And all the way Your goodness
Was holding onto me.
The flame, though hot, can’t burn me,
The floods can’t overflow,
For, Lord, You’re right beside me
In every place we go.
Until I reach that harbor
Where troubles never come,
I’ll find in You my shelter,
My comfort, help, and home.
Christina Joy Hommes
This poem is part of Summer for the Soul a 14-day spiritual “devo-cation” that will refresh and encourage your heart. Get a copy to read or share here

Psalm 23:5 – A Table in the Presence of My Enemies
Psalm 23:5
Though troubles hover near me
And clouds are overhead,
I’m eating at the table
My Shepherd’s love has spread.
Though countless foes may gather
And stormy winds may blow,
I’m tasting of the blessings
My Father’s children know.
Yes, here within the trials,
Amidst the swirling strife,
He’s spread a lavish banquet
To give me joy and life.
Christina Joy Hommes
“Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.” Psalm 23:5

It Didn’t Take Him by Surprise
It didn’t take Him by surprise
This trouble that you face;
God didn’t sleep or close His eyes
When you were near this place.
He has a plan you cannot see
And wouldn’t understand,
But if you’ll trust Him faithfully
He’ll guide you by His hand.
He wants to work in bigger ways
Than all the plans you’ve laid
To bring the Savior greater praise
As you have asked and prayed.
He wants to make you like the Lord
So Jesus shines through you
That you might gain a rich reward
When He has brought you through.
So do not fear when darkness falls,
The shadows will not last;
In tender tones your Father calls,
“My love will hold you fast.”
Christina Joy Hommes

Seeing the Sunny Spots
Seeing the Sunny Spots
When pain or disappointment,
Discouragement or grief
Creep in to block the sunshine
And mercy’s sweet relief,
I find I need a weapon
Resilient, quick, and strong
To fight them back and conquer
The thoughts that lead me wrong.
The weapons most effective
Against these tricky foes
Are thankfulness and praises,
And this is how it goes:
As soon as I feel anxious
Or sorry for myself,
I start to thank God quickly
For blessings and Himself.
“Lord, thank You for Your presence,
For such a lovely place,
For those who truly love me,
For saving me by grace.
And thank You for this moment
To stop and really see
The blessings You have given
So graciously to me.”
I start to thank and praise Him
For all that comes to mind,
And through it I’m reminded
How good He is and kind.
It shifts my mental focus
From storms and self to God;
It brings back heaven’s sunshine
And shows that doubt’s a fraud.
I sometimes have to do it
A dozen times a day,
But then I gain some traction
And find that as I pray
The Lord rolls back the storm clouds
Of selfish, downcast thoughts
And helps me see His blessings
In all the sunny spots.
Christina Joy Hommes
“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” 2 Corinthians 10:5
“And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.” Colossians 3:15