Thanksgiving Poems by Christina Joy Hommes
Enjoy these Christian Thanksgiving poems as you thank the Lord for His goodness and His many blessings.

For Every Blessing
For Every Blessing
For every tender kindness
And blessing from above,
For every gift of goodness
That shows Your perfect love,
For every timely answer
That shows You hear my prayer,
For every special blessing
That helps me see You’re there,
For every wise direction
That keeps me far from sin,
For guiding by Your Spirit
Who lives and works within,
For giving me the Bible
To teach what’s true and right,
For every word of promise
That gives me strength and light,
For sending Christ my Savior
To face the cross for me,
For giving me salvation
Eternal, full, and free,
For loved ones and for friendships,
For church and all we share,
For giving me the gospel
To scatter everywhere,
For beauty in creation
That shows Your strength and skill,
For keeping and sustaining
According to Your will,
For telling me of heaven
And endless life above,
For all that You’re preparing
To show Your perfect love,
For all of these, dear Father,
And so much more I raise
A heart of love and worship
That brings this thankful praise.
Christina Joy Hommes
This poem is part of Summer for the Soul a 14-day spiritual “devo-cation” that will refresh and encourage your heart. Get a copy to read or share here

The One I Will Praise
The One I Will Praise
God orders my steps with compassion,
His mercies are new every day;
He knows what will come and prepares me,
He teaches my heart what to pray.
His goodness is strong and unfailing,
His faithfulness flows from above,
His grace is more sure than the mountains,
He anchors my hope in His love.
There’s no one so kind and so patient,
His holiness shines like the sun;
He showers my path with His blessings
And meets all my needs one by one.
The Lord is my strength and my portion,
My trust and the hope of my days,
The source of my life and my Savior,
My refuge, the One I will praise.
Christina Joy Hommes

Blown Away by Grace
Blown Away by Grace
I’m blown away by all the grace
You show me every day,
The thoughtful things You kindly place
Just so along my way.
The loving thoughts I know You think
That show in how You care,
The way You make life’s troubles shrink
By simply being there.
The countless ways You daily show
You want what’s best for me
And prove how well You really know
The things I like to see.
No words will do to try to say
The thank you of my heart,
But I will try again today
To say another part.
Christina Joy Hommes

I Marvel at Your Handiwork
I Marvel at Your Handiwork
I marvel at Your handiwork
And wonder at Your plan
That sent the Son of God to earth
To die for sinful man.
I marvel at Your matchless grace
And wonder at Your love
That gave so much to make us sons
To dwell with You above.
I marvel at Your providence
And wonder at Your care
That guides all things with perfect skill
Yet hears and answers prayer.
I marvel at Your lavish gifts
And wonder at Your ways;
Lord, here I raise my thankful song
And give You all my days.
Christina Joy Hommes
This poem is part of Summer for the Soul a 14-day spiritual “devo-cation” that will refresh and encourage your heart. Get a copy to read or share here

My Soul, Rejoice in God
My Soul, Rejoice in God
My soul, rejoice in God
Who bought you for His own,
Who gives you life and light
And guides you from His throne.
My heart, be glad in God
For all He’s done for You,
For all the love and care
You see each day anew.
My mind, give thanks to God
For all that He has done,
His mighty works of old
And giving you His Son.
My strength, sing praise to God
Who reigns in glorious light
With grace and righteousness,
With goodness, care, and might.
My tongue, proclaim of God
That He is good and true,
Your Savior, Lord, and King
Who loves and blesses You.
Christina Joy Hommes
“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” Matthew 22:37

A Thankful Day
A Thankful Day
Today I’ll have a thankful day
And lift my heart in praise
For all the Lord has done for me
In big and little ways.
For sunny skies and healing rain,
For labor and for rest,
For friends and loved ones near and far –
How richly I’ve been blessed!
Though I may shed a tear or two,
My day will still be bright,
Because a thankful attitude
Makes any day alright.
Lord, thank You most of all for grace,
For always being there,
For saving me and showing me
Such tender, loving care.
Christina Joy Hommes

Jesus Gives Such Blessings
Jesus Gives Such Blessings
Earth’s words tell just a portion
Of what a life can hold,
For Jesus gives such blessings
As can’t be fully told.
His peace is strong with comfort,
His goodness will not end,
His joy has great abundance
Which nothing can transcend.
His grace is all-sufficient,
His mercy’s new each day,
His kindness is unfailing,
He hears us when we pray.
He always watches over
And keeps us in His care,
He’s always right beside us
To guard us everywhere.
His promise is unfailing,
He’s made a home above;
We’ll never reach the limits
Of Christ’s unfailing love.
Christina Joy Hommes

This Precious Book
This Precious Book
Lord, thank You for this precious Book
That speaks to me Your love,
That set me in the way of life
And guides my steps above.
Dear Spirit, give me eyes to see
My Savior in each word,
And help me know how I should live
The things I’ve read and heard.
Please shape my plans and my desires,
Transform my heart and mind;
Help me believe what You have said
And every promise kind.
O, burn its truth within my heart
To shape both thought and deed,
That I might be a living book
For those around to read.
Lord, thank You for this precious Book
That speaks to me Your grace;
Each day I’ll seek and love its truth
Until I see Your face.
Christina Joy Hommes

My Heart Is Full and Grateful
My Heart Is Full and Grateful
How can I rightly thank You
For all Your gifts of love
So kind and so abundant
Each sent from heav’n above?
How could the largest language,
The longest book proclaim
The richness of Your goodness,
The glories of Your Name?
How could the greatest preacher,
The sweetest singer here
Extol Your strength and wisdom
Which every day appear?
Each day I’ll keep on trying
To say a little more
Of all Your depths of mercy
And then forevermore,
For You alone are worthy
Of honor, glory, praise,
Of worship, adoration
Throughout eternal days.
So, though I can’t express it
In fullness, yet I’d say,
“My heart is full and grateful!”
Accept my praise, I pray.
Christina Joy Hommes

God’s Gifts of Grace and Love
God’s Gifts of Grace and Love
Dear Father, for Your many gifts
That show Your grace and love
I want to thank You, for I know
You send them from above.
For food and clothes, for where I live,
For sunshine and for rain,
For music, beauty, knowledge, words,
For happiness and pain,
For friends and loved ones, home and church,
For friendship, love, and care,
For bonds in Christ, for fellowship,
For memories we share,
For Jesus Christ who died for me,
For pardon through His Name,
For peace, salvation, life that lasts,
For grace that I can claim,
For these and more I bring to You
A heart that’s full of praise.
I see through each Your grace and love
That brighten all my days.
Christina Joy Hommes