Thanksgiving Poems by Christina Joy Hommes

Enjoy these Christian Thanksgiving poems as you thank the Lord for His goodness and His many blessings.

Counting My Blessings

Counting My Blessings

Counting My Blessings

I stop to count my blessings
And every time I find
There’s more than I can number
Since God’s so good and kind.

Yet still I love to list them,
These blessings from above,
To praise my God and notice
The greatness of His love.

For breath and life You give me,
For daily food and care,
For timely rain and sunshine,
For mercies everywhere,

For friends and all my loved ones,
For cherished moments, too,
For church and Christian family,
For all I know of You,

For pardon and salvation,
For heaven’s promised rest,
For giving me the Bible –
How richly I’ve been blessed!

For recent gifts and past ones,
For hearing when I pray,
For showing me such kindness,
For loving me each day.

Lord, thank You for Your goodness
So constant, true, and strong –
I’ll praise Your Name forever
With glad and grateful song.

Christina Joy Hommes

With Thankful Hearts

With Thankful Hearts

With Thankful Hearts

With thankful hearts we look above
And see You on Your throne,
We glorify Your mighty Name
And worship You alone.

With thankful hearts we’re looking back
At all the things You’ve done,
We stop to see Your mighty works
And praise them one by one.

With thankful hearts we look around
At blessings from above –
Provision, guidance, answered prayer –
That show Your constant love.

With thankful hearts we look ahead
With hope and trust in You
That what You’ve been You’ll always be
And as You’ve done You’ll do.

With thankful hearts we look to You
And lift our hands in praise
For all Your care and character
That guide and bless our days.

Christina Joy Hommes

Psalm 100

Psalm 100

Psalm 100

We raise a joyful noise to You
Our Maker, Shepherd, Guide
For endless mercies ever new
And truth that will abide.

We come to serve with cheerful song
And hearts that overflow,
Rejoicing that we each belong
To One who loves us so.

Within Your courts we lift our voice
And bless Your holy Name;
In thankful praise our hearts rejoice –
Your goodness we proclaim.

You reign alone the Lord of all,
Sustainer of our days;
Before Your throne we humbly fall
And bring our highest praise.

Christina Joy Hommes

The Simple Things

The Simple Things

The Simple Things

It’s sometimes just the simple things
That mean so much to me –
Their value lies in deeper worth
Than other folks can see.

They represent the precious things
The Lord has kindly done,
The ways He’s taught me of Himself
And battles He has won.

They help me think of special times
With those I dearly love,
Of moments spent alone with God
And blessings from above.

Each time I think of what they mean,
They bring a smile or tear –
They’re full of cherished memories
These simple things so dear.

Christina Joy Hommes

This poem is part of Summer for the Soul a 14-day spiritual “devo-cation” that will refresh and encourage your heart. Get a copy to read or share here

For All the Many Blessings

For All the Many Blessings

For All the Many Blessings

My heart is overflowing
With gratitude and love
For all the many blessings
You’ve sent me from above.

Forgiveness and salvation
Would be enough for me
Without a home in heaven
For all eternity.

Eternal life in heaven
Through Jesus Christ my Lord
Would be enough forever
Without His kind reward.

Rich treasures kept in glory
That cannot fade away
Would be enough, dear Savior,
Without sweet gifts today.

With all of these You’ve blessed me
And countless more each day –
They show Your loving kindness
And stir my heart to say:

Lord, thank You for Your mercy
So wide and deep and free –
My cup is running over
With all You’ve done for me.

Christina Joy Hommes

Help Me See the Gospel

Help Me See the Gospel

Help Me See the Gospel

Lord, help me see the gospel
So clearly I can love
The Savior who redeemed me
And waits for me above.

Lord, help me see the gospel
So clearly I can win
The lost who need Your mercy
To save them from their sin.

Lord, help me see the gospel
So clearly I can tell
The wonders of salvation
To those who love you well.

Lord, help me see the gospel
So clearly I can rest
Through storms of life in Jesus
And learn to pass each test.

Lord, help me see the gospel
So clearly I can raise
A song of glad of thanksgiving
With joy and fervent praise.

Christina Joy Hommes

Lord, Thank You

Lord, Thank You

Lord, Thank You

Lord, when I try to thank You
For all You’ve done for me,
There’s so much I could mention
And more I cannot see.

You made the world around me
So beautiful and bright,
To show Your love and power
And echo heaven’s light.

You send such loving blessings
To show me day by day
How well You know and love me
And guide me all the way.

You give me home and loved ones
Where I can feel Your love
With friends and church that show me
What life must be above.

You speak to me through Scriptures
So I can walk with You
To light my path and teach me
The things I ought to do.

You came to be my Savior
And wash my sins away;
You died and rose to save me,
And hear me when I pray.

You call me to a purpose –
To walk with You below,
To testify of Jesus
And share the love I know.

You tell me of the glory
That waits on heaven’s shore
Where soon I’ll see my Savior
And live forevermore.

I think of all these blessings
With thousands more beside –
Your favor and Your presence,
The way that You provide.

Lord, thank You for Your mercy
And pardon full and free,
For words to praise and bless You
For all You’ve done for me!

Christina Joy Hommes

The Lord of Harvest

The Lord of Harvest

The Lord of Harvest

God sends the rain and sunshine
And makes the breezes blow;
He sends the warmth of summer
To make the harvest grow.

He takes the seeds we’ve planted
Across a ready field
And makes them grow and flourish
To give a hearty yield.

Then in the time of harvest,
He sends our daily bread,
Providing in His goodness
For all the days ahead.

We celebrate with gladness
As thankful hearts we raise
To bless the Lord of harvest
In songs of grateful praise.

Christina Joy Hommes

Seeing the Sunny Spots

Seeing the Sunny Spots

Seeing the Sunny Spots

When pain or disappointment,
Discouragement or grief
Creep in to block the sunshine
And mercy’s sweet relief,
I find I need a weapon
Resilient, quick, and strong
To fight them back and conquer
The thoughts that lead me wrong.

The weapons most effective
Against these tricky foes
Are thankfulness and praises,
And this is how it goes:
As soon as I feel anxious
Or sorry for myself,
I start to thank God quickly
For blessings and Himself.

“Lord, thank You for Your presence,
For such a lovely place,
For those who truly love me,
For saving me by grace.
And thank You for this moment
To stop and really see
The blessings You have given
So graciously to me.”

I start to thank and praise Him
For all that comes to mind,
And through it I’m reminded
How good He is and kind.
It shifts my mental focus
From storms and self to God;
It brings back heaven’s sunshine
And shows that doubt’s a fraud.

I sometimes have to do it
A dozen times a day,
But then I gain some traction
And find that as I pray
The Lord rolls back the storm clouds
Of selfish, downcast thoughts
And helps me see His blessings
In all the sunny spots.

Christina Joy Hommes

“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” 2 Corinthians 10:5

“And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.” Colossians 3:15

Christian Friends

Christian Friends

Christian Friends

How sweet the loving fellowship
We share with Christian friends;
How deep the bond we have in Christ
With hope that never ends.

It’s like a flowing stream that sings,
A waterfall of grace,
Like air when rain has made it fresh,
A flower’s cheering face.

It brings such joy, renews the soul,
And makes a smiling heart,
Refreshing us through busy days
When we may be apart.

Lord, thank you for the friends you give –
Sweet treasures from above –
For all the joy and fellowship
That spring from Christian love.

Christina Joy Hommes