Christian Poems for Holidays
Are you looking for Christian poems for holidays like Christmas, New Year, Good Friday, Resurrection Sunday / Easter, Thanksgiving, and others? Here you’ll find poems that provide a biblical perspective and spiritual encouragement for enjoying and celebrating what the Lord has done.

Psalm 100
Psalm 100
We raise a joyful noise to You
Our Maker, Shepherd, Guide
For endless mercies ever new
And truth that will abide.
We come to serve with cheerful song
And hearts that overflow,
Rejoicing that we each belong
To One who loves us so.
Within Your courts we lift our voice
And bless Your holy Name;
In thankful praise our hearts rejoice –
Your goodness we proclaim.
You reign alone the Lord of all,
Sustainer of our days;
Before Your throne we humbly fall
And bring our highest praise.
Christina Joy Hommes

Come See, The God of Heaven
Come, see! The God of heaven
Is walking on this earth;
The angels He created
Announce His humble birth.
Come, see! The God of heaven
Is healing blind and lame
And making friends of outcasts
Who call upon His Name.
Come, see! The God of heaven
Is dying on the tree –
The innocent found guilty
To pardon you and me.
Come, see! The God of heaven
Is rising from the grave
Exalted and triumphant
To prove His pow’r to save.
Come, see! The God of heaven
Ascending to His throne
To intercede forever
For those He calls His own.
Come, see! The God of heaven
Is coming back to reign
With all His saints who follow
Exultant in His train.
Come, see! The God of heaven
Is making all things new.
Our King and our Redeemer
We bring our praise to You!
Christina Joy Hommes

Since Jesus Rose for Me
Since Jesus Rose for Me
When Jesus rose in victory
It proved His work was done,
The debt for sin was paid in full,
And righteousness had won.
The check had cleared, the debt was gone,
My sin was washed away,
No wrath remained, no claim was owed –
He did it all that day.
And now I stand in Christ by grace
Complete, forgiven, free;
I’m justified and uncondemned
Since Jesus rose for me.
Christina Joy Hommes
This poem is part of Summer for the Soul a 14-day spiritual “devo-cation” that will refresh and encourage your heart. Get a copy to read or share here

The Simple Things
The Simple Things
It’s sometimes just the simple things
That mean so much to me –
Their value lies in deeper worth
Than other folks can see.
They represent the precious things
The Lord has kindly done,
The ways He’s taught me of Himself
And battles He has won.
They help me think of special times
With those I dearly love,
Of moments spent alone with God
And blessings from above.
Each time I think of what they mean,
They bring a smile or tear –
They’re full of cherished memories
These simple things so dear.
Christina Joy Hommes
This poem is part of Summer for the Soul a 14-day spiritual “devo-cation” that will refresh and encourage your heart. Get a copy to read or share here

Between the Cross and Sunday
Between the cross and Sunday
Were days of bitter gloom
To those who took Christ’s body
And laid it in a tomb,
Because they’d all forgotten
His promise He would rise
And see them three days later
When He’d secured the prize.
But Christ had not forgotten
Or let their unbelief
Distract Him from His purpose
Though they were lost in grief.
Before the dawn had broken
That Sunday, He arose
Our everlasting Savior
Who conquered all His foes.
Behold the risen Savior
With nail prints in His hands –
The tokens of His conquest
While glorified He stands.
Believe His saving promise
For He will keep His Word
Though everyone’s forgotten
The precious things they’ve heard.
Between the resurrection
And rapture let’s hold fast
His faithful words of promise
That He will come at last.
Christina Joy Hommes

For All the Many Blessings
For All the Many Blessings
My heart is overflowing
With gratitude and love
For all the many blessings
You’ve sent me from above.
Forgiveness and salvation
Would be enough for me
Without a home in heaven
For all eternity.
Eternal life in heaven
Through Jesus Christ my Lord
Would be enough forever
Without His kind reward.
Rich treasures kept in glory
That cannot fade away
Would be enough, dear Savior,
Without sweet gifts today.
With all of these You’ve blessed me
And countless more each day –
They show Your loving kindness
And stir my heart to say:
Lord, thank You for Your mercy
So wide and deep and free –
My cup is running over
With all You’ve done for me.
Christina Joy Hommes

It’s Different Since I Know Him
It’s Different Since I Know Him
It’s different since I know Him,
It’s personal to me
To watch the Savior’s triumph
And pain at Calvary.
I see my Friend so heavy
In anguish and distress
When yielding in the Garden
To take my sinfulness.
I see Him mocked and beaten,
Unjustly tried, condemned;
Yet like a Lamb He’s silent –
So regal to the end.
I see Him trip and stumble
Beneath that cross of mine,
So weak yet speaking comfort –
Still mortal and divine.
I see them nail my Jesus
To hang upon the tree;
I hear Him pray, Forgive them
For what they’ve done to me.
I hear the crowd that mocked Him,
They scorned His Word and claim;
But when the thief repented
Christ saved him just the same.
I grieve as He’s forsaken,
The Father turns away,
Eternal oneness broken
By sin that awful day.
I watch Him cry, It’s finished!
The triumph was complete –
He gave His life for others
And purchased death’s defeat.
I see them take His body
And lay it in a tomb;
I see the soldiers guarding
Salvation’s waiting room.
I see Him rise eternal,
The Prince of life and love,
Now glorified forever
To reign in truth above.
I see Him speak to Mary,
So tender in her grief;
I hear Him near Emmaus
And join the men’s belief.
I watch the Lord appearing
To those who knew Him best
With proofs that He was living
As all of them attest.
I see Him go to Thomas
And show His hands and side;
I hear His grace and worship
My Lord now glorified.
I see Him rise to heaven
Ascending as He’ll come
To take His throne forever
And make our promised home.
I see Him interceding
For those He calls His own –
Still saving, guarding, guiding
His children from His throne.
I see Him waiting, ready
To catch us all away
To share with Him forever
His life and endless day.
It’s different since I know Him,
They’re more than facts to me,
For Jesus is my Savior
Whose love has set me free.
Christina Joy Hommes

Symbols of the Cross
Symbols of the Cross
The thorns and nails, the cross of wood,
Are symbols of the One who stood
To take my place and bear my sin
Though He was pure and wholly good.
The Lord Himself came down for me
And paid my debt at Calvary
To give me hope, forgive my guilt,
And let me live eternally.
He rose and left an empty grave
To show His right to freely save
For Jesus rose in victory
And all my sin and guilt forgave.
My song will ever be of One
Who faced my death for me and won
For by His death I ever live
A witness of what Christ has done.
Christina Joy Hommes

God Didn’t Have to Care
God Didn’t Have to Care
Enthroned in perfect splendor
God didn’t have to care
About rebellious creatures
Who sinned and faced despair.
Yet love defined His nature –
He wouldn’t turn away
From those that He’d created
Though we had gone astray.
He felt our pain and sorrow
And grieved that we were lost;
He set His mind to save us
Despite the awful cost.
He left the light and glory,
The worship and the praise,
To share a world we’d broken
With all our sinful ways.
Then, when He’d faced temptation,
He took sin’s heavy load
And died the death we’d chosen
To pay the debt we owed.
Though crucified He triumphed –
He rose to crush our foe
And offer free salvation
To all who dwell below.
Now risen and exalted,
The God-man gladly bears
The marks of our redemption
Which make us sons and heirs.
Enthroned in perfect splendor
He reaches down in love
To save the lost and give us
His endless life above.
Christina Joy Hommes

Help Me See the Gospel
Help Me See the Gospel
Lord, help me see the gospel
So clearly I can love
The Savior who redeemed me
And waits for me above.
Lord, help me see the gospel
So clearly I can win
The lost who need Your mercy
To save them from their sin.
Lord, help me see the gospel
So clearly I can tell
The wonders of salvation
To those who love you well.
Lord, help me see the gospel
So clearly I can rest
Through storms of life in Jesus
And learn to pass each test.
Lord, help me see the gospel
So clearly I can raise
A song of glad of thanksgiving
With joy and fervent praise.
Christina Joy Hommes