Good Friday Poems about the Cross

Worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with these Good Friday poems as you gain a fresh appreciation for His death on our behalf on the cross of Calvary.

Displayed at the Cross

Displayed at the Cross

Displayed at the Cross

The Cross displays the love of Christ
So deep and broad and high –
He showed the greatest love of all
In coming here to die.

The Cross displays the grace of God
So rich and full and free –
In giving us His only Son
The greatest grace we see.

The Cross displays the Spirit’s strength
So vast and strong and wide –
That greatest strength that raised the Lord
Is still our constant guide.

What love, what grace, what strength shine forth
From yonder Cross today –
Lord, thank You for the greatest gifts
Which mercy could display.

Christina Joy Hommes

He Bore the Cross for Me

He Bore the Cross for Me

He Bore the Cross for Me

Oh, what a lot of suffering
My Jesus bore for me –
How deep His anguished misery
Upon that awful tree!

He bore my sin with all its guilt
Alone upon that day;
He drank the wrath that I deserved
And felt God turn away.

He felt the scourge, the thorns, the nails,
He felt the shame, the scorn;
He was betrayed, denied, accused,
Abandoned, hated, torn.

Yet, though He knew that was the cost,
He bore the cross for me –
He chose to give His life for mine
So He could set me free.

Lord, thank You for a gift so great –
Your very life poured out –
So I could trust Your love for me
Without a single doubt.

My life and plans, my words and thoughts,
My works and all my songs
Combine to start the living praise
Which, Lord, to You belongs.

Christina Joy Hommes

What Jesus Makes of Me

What Jesus Makes of Me

What Jesus Makes of Me

Who knows the mighty power
Of Jesus’ precious blood
Shed freely for my pardon
A perfect cleansing flood?

Its power takes a sinner
Defiled and stained with sin
And makes him pure and holy
At peace with God within.

Its power takes a beggar
With nothing to his name
And makes him rich in heaven
With all that Christ can claim.

Its power takes an orphan
Once lost and left to roam
And makes him God’s adopted
With purpose, love, and home.

Its power takes a rebel,
An enemy of God,
And makes of him a servant
Who spreads God’s love abroad.

This is the mighty power
Of Jesus’ cleansing blood
That saves and makes me holy
Within its cleansing flood.

Oh, precious blood of Jesus
That makes me new and whole!
I’ll ever love and praise Him
Who died to save my soul!

Christina Joy Hommes




He came a tiny baby
Born in a cattle stall
Though He was earth’s Creator
And ruled from heaven’s hall.

He came to live among us
And share our pain and tears
Though He was Lord of nations
The God of endless years.

He came to be rejected
By those He loved to death
Though He was King of glory
And gave each person breath.

He came to die like sinners
To take our guilt and sin
Though He was true and sinless
Completely pure within.

He came to rise immortal
The firstfruits from the grave;
Though He was life’s Composer
He died and rose to save.

He came to be our Savior,
Our Brother, Lord, and Friend
So we would love and trust Him
Whose mercy has no end.

Christina Joy Hommes

To Make a Sinner Clean

To Make a Sinner Clean

To Make a Sinner Clean

He died, the holy Lamb of God,
Upon the cross of shame
To pardon all who by His grace
Will call upon His Name.

He took the guilt that was my own
And died on my account;
My sin was nailed to Calvary –
Too long a list to count.

He bore God’s wrath, beloved Son,
Though He had done no wrong;
It was my due, He bore it all –
Was ever love so strong?

He gave Himself to set me free –
My Savior, Jesus Christ –
On my account He gave His life,
For me was sacrificed.

Oh wondrous thought that God would die
To make a sinner clean!
I can’t repay such love as His,
Yet on His grace I lean.

Christina Joy Hommes

Romans 5:6-8

Romans 5:6-8

Romans 5:6-8

How great Christ’s love to die for me
His enemy through sin!
I cannot thank Him fittingly
For changing me within.

For scarcely for a righteous man
Would someone dare to die,
But it was in God’s gracious plan
My life with His to buy.

For when I had no strength He gave
Himself to live and die
So in His justice He could save
A sinner such as I.

Lord, thank You for Your love so free,
So rich, so deep, so broad
That sent a Savior down for me
To bring me up to God!

Christina Joy Hommes

He Took My Place

He Took My Place

My Savior took my place and died –
He gave His life for me.
His precious blood to me applied
Has made me ever free.

For on the cross my sin was laid
Upon God’s perfect Son;
The sinless One for me was made
As if my sin He’d done.

My record, black with guilt and shame,
Was given to Him there;
As me He died – O praise His Name!
Himself He did not spare.

Clothed in my sin, He died alone.
The Father could not look.
He turned His presence from His own
While earth in horror shook.

Condemned to die for what I’ve done
God’s wrath toward me He bore.
Behold the sorrow of the Son –
Remember evermore.

When all was done, He loudly cried,
“It’s finished!” All was done.
He bowed His head and freely died –
The victory was won.

My shame was gone, my guilt had fled,
My debt was paid in full.
The Father, pleased, received His dead.
Sin’s stains were white as wool.

As dawn began to break with light,
(Let all who live adore!)
The Lamb of God in garments bright
Arose to die no more!

He rose and shattered death with life,
He crushed the fearsome grave,
He lives victorious in the strife,
He came to seek and save.

Alive forever now He lives
Exalted over all.
Eternal life He freely gives
To any who will call.

To those who call upon His Name
And trust in Him alone,
He gives the hope His hosts proclaim
And names each as His own.

He takes their sin, and in its place
His righteousness He gives.
Oh what a change! What matchless grace!
My Savior ever lives.

And while He lives to intercede,
His gift of life is sure.
His precious blood will ever plead
While God shall still endure.

Now, in His place, I stand before
God’s throne in perfect light –
Christ’s righteousness forevermore
Is mine by gifted right.

My sins are gone – they’re mine no more
Since Jesus took them all.
His perfect life is furthermore
My own – I cannot fall.

How can it be? I do not know,
I cannot understand,
Why God would die His love to show.
And yet it’s what He planned.

Christ took my place and died for me
Then rose to make His mine.
I’ll praise Him through eternity
For love so vast, divine.

Christina Joy Hommes

Behold the Lamb

Behold the Lamb

Behold the Lamb

Behold the Lamb of God
Who comes to bear our sin,
To shed His light abroad
And cleanse our souls within.
Behold the Lamb obeys,
He does His Father’s will.
Throughout His trying days
God’s purpose He’ll fulfill.

Behold the Lamb who prays,
‘Lord, not my will but Thine.
Let all Thy wondrous ways
Be done instead of mine.’
Behold the Lamb alone,
Arrested and betrayed,
Forsaken by His own,
Without the angels’ aid.

Behold the Lamb is hung
Upon a shameful tree,
So pure and strong and young
Yet counted sin for me.
Behold the Lamb who cries,
“It’s finished!” All is done!
Then for my sin He dies –
The battle He has won.

Behold the Lamb once slain
Now risen from the grave
In glory comes again
His own from death to save.
Behold the Lamb ascends
To heaven and sits down,
That every knee may bend
And all may see His crown.

Behold the Lamb returns
To catch away His bride,
The proud of earth He spurns –
They cannot long abide.
Behold the Lamb of God
And trust in Him alone,
His mighty love applaud,
And bow before His throne.

Christina Joy Hommes

Always Forgiven

Always Forgiven

Always Forgiven

Sweet precious blood of Calvary
That washes white as snow,
How many times I plunge beneath
Its healing, cleansing flow.

Without regard to what I’ve done
Or how my sins appear,
It washes all their guilt away
And makes my record clear.

It never says, ‘Enough of you
You’ve washed for this before.’
Nor does it scorn me when I come
Or bar me from the door.

It always flows a mighty stream
Of God’s abundant grace
Down from the cross and to His throne
Where I may see His face.

Christina Joy Hommes

Good Friday, 2017

Good Friday, 2017

Deep darkness fell across the land
To hide the shameful scene,
The sun concealed it’s shining face
Lest such a sight be seen.

For just outside Jerusalem,
Beyond the city gate,
The Son of God is crucified –
The object of cruel hate.

The thieves on either side join with
The mocking throng below
To taunt the Savior, scorn His claim,
Dare Him His power to show.

But in the midst of all the rage,
One thief rebuked the rest:
“We die for sins that we have done,
But He has not transgressed.”

He turned to Jesus, humbled now,
“O Lord, remember me
When You’re exalted to Your place
To rule eternally.”

And Jesus, merciful and kind,
Replied with matchless grace:
“Today you’ll be in paradise
With me in that pure place.”

Then Jesus lifted up His voice
Three mighty words He spoke –
For “It is finished!” All was done
To give us life and hope.

His work complete, He bowed His head,
He breathed His last and died.
My sins were paid in full that day
When Christ was crucified.

And though the day is darker than
All other days combined,
A brighter hope than all the rest
From this one day has shined.

Christina Joy Hommes