Easter Poems for Resurrection Day
Celebrate the resurrection of our glorious Savior Jesus Christ at Easter or any time with these Christian poems for Resurrection Day and reflect on what His risen life means for those God has raised with Him.

The Easter Angels
The Easter Angels
On Resurrection Sunday
An angel rolled away
The stone that blocked the entrance
To Jesus’ tomb that day.
In shining robes of glory
The angel came to show
The Lord of life had risen
So everyone could know.
Then, as the women weeping
Came down and were dismayed,
The angels got to show them
Where Jesus had been laid.
“He isn’t here, He’s risen!
Just like He said, He lives.”
Oh, what a happy message!
What joy and hope it gives!
Now angels ever praise Him –
The Lamb upon His throne –
And we can join the chorus
Which since that day has grown:
Lord, You alone are worthy
Of glory, honor, praise
For You have died and risen –
We marvel at Your ways.
Christina Joy Hommes

Born in a cattle stall
Though He was earth’s Creator
And ruled from heaven’s hall.
He came to live among us
And share our pain and tears
Though He was Lord of nations
The God of endless years.
He came to be rejected
By those He loved to death
Though He was King of glory
And gave each person breath.
He came to die like sinners
To take our guilt and sin
Though He was true and sinless
Completely pure within.
He came to rise immortal
The firstfruits from the grave;
Though He was life’s Composer
He died and rose to save.
He came to be our Savior,
Our Brother, Lord, and Friend
So we would love and trust Him
Whose mercy has no end.
Christina Joy Hommes

Nothing to Fear
Nothing to Fear
Death could not hold the Son of God,
Guards couldn’t keep Him in;
He rose victorious over all
And conquered death and sin.
If death itself was weak before
The mighty Lord of life,
Can anything hold back His hand
Or foil Him in the strife?
If sin is vanquished by the cross
Can anything restrain
The great salvation that He gives
Which breaks sin’s final chain?
If Satan’s head is crushed by Christ
Through death and victory,
What can he do to those Christ loves
The ones from sin set free?
There is no fear or judgment left
For those who know and love
The Lord of life who died to save
And reigns as King above.
Christina Joy Hommes

My Resurrected Savior
My resurrected Savior
Forever sits above
Resplendent in His glory
And clothed in holy love.
His eyes like flames of fire,
His feet like brass aglow,
His voice like many waters,
His hair as white as snow,
His clothing pure and spotless,
His face bright as the sun,
His words a sword well-tempered,
His people’s rescue won,
His Name the highest honor
His Father could bestow,
His throne exalted over
All things above, below,
His heart set on His people,
His life still spent for them,
His love the bride He purchased –
His chosen, well-loved gem.
This resurrected Savior,
The King of endless day,
Is mine – O, glorious promise!
Come quickly, Lord, I pray.
Christina Joy Hommes

He Took My Place
My Savior took my place and died –
He gave His life for me.
His precious blood to me applied
Has made me ever free.
For on the cross my sin was laid
Upon God’s perfect Son;
The sinless One for me was made
As if my sin He’d done.
My record, black with guilt and shame,
Was given to Him there;
As me He died – O praise His Name!
Himself He did not spare.
Clothed in my sin, He died alone.
The Father could not look.
He turned His presence from His own
While earth in horror shook.
Condemned to die for what I’ve done
God’s wrath toward me He bore.
Behold the sorrow of the Son –
Remember evermore.
When all was done, He loudly cried,
“It’s finished!” All was done.
He bowed His head and freely died –
The victory was won.
My shame was gone, my guilt had fled,
My debt was paid in full.
The Father, pleased, received His dead.
Sin’s stains were white as wool.
As dawn began to break with light,
(Let all who live adore!)
The Lamb of God in garments bright
Arose to die no more!
He rose and shattered death with life,
He crushed the fearsome grave,
He lives victorious in the strife,
He came to seek and save.
Alive forever now He lives
Exalted over all.
Eternal life He freely gives
To any who will call.
To those who call upon His Name
And trust in Him alone,
He gives the hope His hosts proclaim
And names each as His own.
He takes their sin, and in its place
His righteousness He gives.
Oh what a change! What matchless grace!
My Savior ever lives.
And while He lives to intercede,
His gift of life is sure.
His precious blood will ever plead
While God shall still endure.
Now, in His place, I stand before
God’s throne in perfect light –
Christ’s righteousness forevermore
Is mine by gifted right.
My sins are gone – they’re mine no more
Since Jesus took them all.
His perfect life is furthermore
My own – I cannot fall.
How can it be? I do not know,
I cannot understand,
Why God would die His love to show.
And yet it’s what He planned.
Christ took my place and died for me
Then rose to make His mine.
I’ll praise Him through eternity
For love so vast, divine.
Christina Joy Hommes

O What a Savior!
Risen triumphant, exalted on high
Far above all other things,
Sitting in power and glory and might –
King above all other kings.
Victor through death over sin, death, and hell,
Girded with strength and a sword;
Conqueror reigning unchallenged in light –
Over all lords He is Lord.
Worthy of worship from all that He made,
Seated in strength all alone;
No one can purchase exemption or grace –
He is the King on His throne.
All knees will bow to this conquering King,
All tongues confess He is Lord;
Every dissenter and rebel will fall
Conquered at once by His Word.
This is the Savior who died for my sin,
Rose to declare I am free,
Offers a place on His throne now to me –
O what a Savior is He!
Christina Joy Hommes
Resurrection Sunday, 2018

Resurrection Sunday, 2017
Come, see the tomb is empty
Where Christ our Savior lay,
The grave clothes lie there vacant,
The stone is rolled away.
Come, hear the angel speaking –
“He is not here, He lives!
He’s coming soon to meet you,
To comfort, save, forgive.”
Come, touch His risen body –
The nail prints in His hands,
His feet, His side – believing,
As in our midst He stands.
Come, speak His Name with reverence,
Our Lord and God, our King,
Exalted, risen, glorious –
His worth and praise we sing.
Christina Joy Hommes

Christ Came to Stand Where Adam Fell
Christ came to stand where Adam fell,
To pass where Adam failed,
Yet when we look at what they faced
‘Twere rougher seas Christ sailed.
For Adam had a perfect world
In which to face his test,
But Jesus lived beneath the curse,
In suffering faced His test.
And Adam had but two commands
To which he must attend,
While Christ had all the Law of God
Yet not one truth would bend.
In Adam’s world all things were sweet
And every need was met,
Instead our Savior knew great want
With trials He was beset.
Despite his blessings Adam fell
And plunged us into woe,
Yet Jesus stood against the world
His grace and love to show.
So when temptation beckons you
In darkness or in light,
Stand in the shadow of the Cross
And choose the path that’s right.
Christina Joy Hommes

R ejoice for Christ is risen!
E xalt His Name with me!
S ing of His great salvation
U nearned yet given free.
R ejoice for He has triumphed!
R ejoice for Jesus lives
E ternally exalted!
C laim what He freely gives.
T o him that overcometh
I s pledged a victor’s crown –
O n to the prize before us
N umbered as Jesus’ own.
Christina Joy Hommes

Resurrection Day, 2016
Behold, the tomb is empty,
The stone is rolled away,
The grave clothes still are lying
Where He was yesterday.
An angel pure and radiant
Confirms the joyful news
That Jesus Christ is risen;
Death only dealt a bruise.
It could not hold our Savior –
By dying He arose
To conquer death forever,
Its tyranny expose.
Though Satan bruised Christ’s heel,
Christ crushed the serpents head
And now he’s slowly dying –
His sentence has been read.
By rising Christ has freed us
And gone to make a place
For us His chosen people
To dwell before His face.
And when He’s gathered to Him
His chosen ones, He’ll deal
The final blow and vanquish,
The devil, sin, and hell.
So in His resurrection
Our hope is grounded firm.
Our hope of life and triumph
His risen life confirms.
Christina Joy Hommes
Resurrection Sunday, 2016