New Year Poems

Celebrate God’s goodness in the previous year and look forward to His goodness in the coming year with these Christian New Year poems. Many of these poems are also great for birthdays.

Whatever Comes This Year

Whatever Comes This Year

Whatever Comes This Year

Whatever lies ahead this year
I face with faith instead of fear
For God my Shepherd guides my way
And walks beside me day by day.

Whatever blessings bring delight
Will be reflections of God’s light,
And I’ll rejoice and look for ways
To lift my heart in thankful praise.

Whatever sorrows pierce my soul,
Whatever billows o’er me roll,
I’ll trust God’s grace will see me through
With strength to cling to what is true.

Whatever needs I have I’ll bring
In trusting prayer before my King,
And then I’ll watch Him work for me
To thank Him for eternity.

Whatever else I find to do,
I’ll search God’s Word and read it through;
I’ll seek to learn about His love
And set my heart on things above.

Whatever comes, whatever goes,
I’ll trust the One who sees and knows.
Lord, help me walk with You this year
In faith and hope and love sincere.

Christina Joy Hommes

New Year Praise

New Year Praise

New Year Praise

I’m looking back on all the things
You’ve done for me this year,
And, Lord, I’m overwhelmed with awe
At grace so real and dear.

Who’d ever think of all the things
You ordered just for me?
And only You are able, Lord,
To work so perfectly.

Though words can’t say the thanks I owe,
I’ll praise You just the same,
And by my actions seek to show
How much I love Your Name.

You never change, You’re always good,
So in the coming year
With eager heart I’ll watch for things
That show You’re always near.

With steadfast hope and strengthened faith
I’ll trust You day by day;
With guiding love and righteous grace
Please keep me in Your way.

Christina Joy Hommes

The Waiting Year

The Waiting Year

The Waiting Year

I step into the waiting year
With confidence because
I know Whose hand I’m holding to
And what His goodness does

I will not fear its unknown paths
Or seek to change God’s plan
Because He started loving me
Before the world began

I’ll trust my needs and wants to Him
Without a worried care
Because I’ve seen Him work before
And know He hears my prayer

I’ll praise Him now for what He’ll do
Throughout the year ahead
Because I know He’s always good
And does just what He’s said

In faith and hope with joy and peace
I’ll greet the waiting year
Because I know Whose hand I hold
And Jesus will be near

Christina Joy Hommes

New Year Prayer

New Year Prayer

New Year Prayer

If I could ask for just one thing
To crown this year, dear Lord,
I want to know what You are like
For You are my reward.

I want to know You as You are –
Your nature pure and true,
Your thoughts so loving and so kind,
The things You plan to do.

I want to know the things You like
And those that grieve Your soul;
I want to sense when You are pleased
And yield to Your control.

I want to walk with You each day
My constant, faithful Friend;
I want to hear You in Your Word
And spot the gifts You send.

I want to speak to You in prayer
And watch You work for me,
To find Your will and make it mine,
To trust Your guarantee.

I want to know You more and more –
Lord, grant my prayer this year;
For as I seek You, You have said
That I will find You near.

Christina Joy Hommes


This Year’s Blessings

This Year’s Blessings

This Year’s Blessings

This year with all its blessings
Its sorrow and delight
Has been a sort of window
To bring God’s grace to light.

I’ve seen my Father’s goodness,
His kindness, love, and care,
I’ve sensed His loving presence
And known He’s always there.

I’ve seen my sinful weakness,
And yet I’ve also grown
In trusting and obeying
The path the Lord has shown.

I’ve seen the strength of friendship
That’s just as strong at night
As in the blaze of morning
When all is glad and bright.

I’ve seen the faithful working
That shows God hears my prayer
And answers in His wisdom
With mercy, strength, and care.

I’ve seen such loving favor
In blessings day by day
That show my Savior’s presence
Along life’s winding way.

Lord, thank You for these blessings
You’ve given me this year
That show Your love and power
And make Your goodness clear.

Christina Joy Hommes

The Lord Is at Your Side

The Lord Is at Your Side

The Lord Is at Your Side

Throughout life’s winding pathway,
Wherever you may go,
The Lord Himself will guide you
In ways which He will show.

He’ll walk each step beside you
And bear you in His arms,
He’ll guard you and protect you
From all of life’s alarms.

Each day will bring new blessings
With tests He’ll bring you through
To show His care and mercy
With love so deep and true.

He knows your name and loves you,
He is your truest Friend;
And soon He will reward you
With life that cannot end.

So love the Lord completely,
Believe His Word and pray,
And keep your eyes on Jesus
Who’ll keep you day by day.

Today and in the future
I pray He’ll bless and guide,
And help you sense each moment
That He is by your side.

Christina Joy Hommes

What God Will Be This Year

What God Will Be This Year

What God Will Be This Year

My God is good and faithful –
He proved it once again
Throughout the year behind us
In what He’s done and been.

My God is true and righteous –
His Word has passed each test
Through days now past to show us
That He is still the best.

My God is kind and loving –
His gifts of grace have shown
A year of tender mercy
Extended to His own.

My God still changes never –
So what He was last year
He’ll be again to bless us
And show us that He’s near.

Christina Joy Hommes

The Portal of the Year

The Portal of the Year

The Portal of the Year

As we enter through the portal
Of the year that’s still brand new,
Let’s go in with faith and purpose
As we watch what God will do.

Let’s go in with hope unfailing
Since God’s promises are bright.
Let’s go in with trust undoubting
For He always does what’s right.

Let’s go in with joy abounding
For He’s with us all the way.
Let’s go in with expectation
For He’ll hear us when we pray.

Let’s go in with songs of gladness
For He’s worthy of our praise.
Let’s go in with true thanksgiving
For He guides us all our days.

Let’s go in with God almighty
With our eyes on things above.
Let’s go in, hearts undivided
As we see and share His love.

As we enter through the portal
Of this year let’s walk with God –
Let’s go on and love the gospel
As we spread His light abroad.

Christina Joy Hommes

As This Year Is Closing – A Prayer

As This Year Is Closing – A Prayer

As This Year Is Closing – A Prayer

I asked at year’s beginning
For wisdom, strength, and grace,
For help and understanding,
For guidance through this place.

Throughout its days and moments
You answered prayer this year
In many ways still hidden
And many that are clear.

You guided me so kindly,
You showed me what to do,
You gave me strength sufficient,
And helped me learn of You.

You held me through the troubles,
You gave me joyful days;
You shared my deepest sorrows,
And taught me how to praise.

You showed me sin, forgave me,
And taught me how to grow,
Increased my faith and led me
In paths where I should go.

You made my heart more willing
To yield to You alone,
Impressed on me the sweetness
Of knowing I’m Your own.

You met my needs and gave me
So much I still can’t see
The edges of the kindness
Which You have given me.

So as this year is closing
I want to thank and praise
The God whose hand of mercy
I see in all its days.

Lord, thank You for such goodness,
For love and grace and care,
For such a heart of mercy
That hears and grants my prayer.

Christina Joy Hommes

Half Through the Year

Half Through the Year

Half Through the Year

It is hard to believe
That July has arrived
And the year is already half through
As the first half we leave
If we thrived or survived
We now enter the half that’s still new

Through God’s mercies and grace
With His kindness and love
And His bountiful blessings each day
We have come to this place
On our journey above
To reflect on our heavenward way

So let’s stop and recount
All the things God has done
And let’s praise Him with joy and a song
For His gifts we can’t count
And our triumph He won
So let’s worship Him all the day long

Then let’s think of the things
We have learned on the way
From the troubles that plagued us as well
For the troublesome stings
Teach our feet not to stray
And make lessons we’re meant to retell

Such a passing review
Gives us strength that’s restored
As we pause to remember and pray
For this year that’s half through
Is a gift from the Lord
And He’s with us each step of the way

Christina Joy Hommes