Christmas Poems
Enjoy these Christian Christmas poems that celebrate the birth and incarnation of our glorious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – Emmanuel.

The Christmas Star
The Christmas Star
When Christ was born in Bethlehem
A shining star appeared
That led the wise men from the east
Who wondered, hoped, and feared.
It led them to the very place
Through desert heat and cold
Right to the house in Bethlehem
As Micah had foretold.
It led them on until they saw
The child Himself, the King,
With joyful hearts they worshiped Him
And gave Him everything.
They gave Him gold – a royal gift,
They gave Him myrrh – death’s sign,
They also gave Him frankincense –
To show that He’s divine.
Now we’ve received the Morning Star,
As Christ is called today;
We’ll see Him too if, like those men,
We follow all the way.
Christina Joy Hommes
“I Jesus am … the bright and morning star.” Revelation 22:16

Thank You for Christmas
Thank You for Christmas
Thank you, Lord, for Christmas –
For coming down to earth
And telling us the story
About Your lowly birth.
Thank you, Lord, for living
As one of us – our own –
And facing all the troubles
To which we’re all so prone.
Thank you, Lord, for dying
To pay our debt from sin,
To give us peace and mercy
And make us clean within.
Thank you, Lord for rising
To give us life above
And joy and hope in knowing
Your never-ending love.
Thank you, Lord, for Christmas –
For coming down to me
To make me Yours in kindness
For all eternity.
Christina Joy Hommes

Born in a cattle stall
Though He was earth’s Creator
And ruled from heaven’s hall.
He came to live among us
And share our pain and tears
Though He was Lord of nations
The God of endless years.
He came to be rejected
By those He loved to death
Though He was King of glory
And gave each person breath.
He came to die like sinners
To take our guilt and sin
Though He was true and sinless
Completely pure within.
He came to rise immortal
The firstfruits from the grave;
Though He was life’s Composer
He died and rose to save.
He came to be our Savior,
Our Brother, Lord, and Friend
So we would love and trust Him
Whose mercy has no end.
Christina Joy Hommes

Come to the Stable
Come to the Stable
Come hurry to the stable
Where lies a baby boy,
The Hope of all the ages
Who brings such peace and joy.
Come look within the manger
To see the Child so small;
The Lord of all the ages
Lies swaddled in a stall.
Come bow before His presence
Who made eternity,
The Light of all the ages
Who came to save and free.
Christina Joy Hommes

Christ’s Triumph
Christ’s Triumph
Christ triumphed first in Bethlehem
There in the manger hay –
The Son of God made man like us
Revealed upon that day.
Christ triumphed, too, in Nazareth
While living day by day –
He faced temptation without sin
And paved salvation’s way.
Christ triumphed all through Galilee
By word and mighty deed –
Each showed He is the promised One,
The Christ of God indeed.
Christ triumphed in Gethsemane,
“Lord, not My will, but Thine” –
Submitting to God’s perfect plan
He gave His life for mine.
Christ triumphed once at Calvary
Upon that cross of shame –
He died to offer life and hope
For calling on His Name.
Christ triumphed at the garden tomb –
The stone rolled from the door
Revealed that He had risen up
To live forevermore.
Christ triumphed from Mt. Olivet –
Ascending to His throne
He sat to save and intercede
And claim me for His own.
Christ triumphed when He set His throne
Within my inmost heart –
A sinner saved by grace and love
For Him I’m set apart.
Christ’s triumph when He comes again
In glory and in might
Will show that He is Lord and God
In every creature’s sight.
Christ triumphs now and evermore
Exalted over all –
From Bethlehem to Heaven’s throne
Hear love and mercy’s call.
Christina Joy Hommes

Prophesies Fulfilled – in Verse
Prophesies Fulfilled
(in verse)
Foretold by Law and Prophets,
To Adam and his wife –
A Savior would be coming
To bring God’s saving life.
(Gen 3:15; Is 35:4; 49:6)
(Mt 1:21; Acts 4:12; Lk 24:27)
The seed of Eve and Abram,
Of Judah, David, too.
From Bethlehem, through Egypt
In Galilee He grew.
(Gen 3:15; 22:15-18; 49:9-10; Mic 5:2; Hos 11:1)
(Gal 4:4-5; 3:16; Hb 7:14; Mt 1:1; 2:13-15)
His mother was a virgin,
And John preached that He’d come.
He was despised, rejected
By strangers and at home.
(Is 7:14; 40:3-5; Ps 69:8; Is 53:3)
(Mt 1:18-23; 3:1-3; Jn 1:10-11; 7:5; 19:15)
He healed the blind and palsied,
He cast the demons out,
He raised the dead like sleepers,
He made the speechless shout.
(Is 35:5-6; 53:4)
(Mt 8:16-17; 11:2-6; 14:14; Mk 7:37)
He spoke God’s Word with power
And yet with graciousness;
Through parables He taught them,
Preached truth and righteousness.
(Dt 18:18; Ps 45:2; 78:2; 40:9)
(Jn 3:34; Lk 4:22; Mt 13:34-35; Mk 10:1)
His friend at last betrayed Him
For thirty silver coins,
His captors all fell backward
Yet still their band rejoins.
(Ps 41:9; 40:14)
(Mt 26:21-23, 50; Jn 18:4-6)
His own disciples left Him,
All fled in fright and fear;
One followed at a distance,
Denied where Christ could hear.
(Zec 13:7; Ps 38:11; 69:20)
(Mt 26:31; Mk 14:50; Mt 26:58; Lk 22:59-62)
To words of false accusers
He gave not one reply.
He took our stripes though sinless –
For us God’s Son must die.
(Ps 35:11; 38:13-14; Is 53:7, 4-6, 11)
(Mt 26:59; Mk 15:3-5; Mt 27:26; 1 Pt 2:21-24; 1 Jn 3:5)
Upon a cross He’s lifted,
Between two sinners nailed,
In shame before all people,
With mocking scorn assailed.
(Num 21:9; Is 53:12; Ps 22:16; Dt 21:23; Ps 22:7-8)
(Jn 3:14-15; 12:32; Mk 15:27-28; Gal 3:13-14; Lk 23:35)
Our sins were laid upon Him,
The Father turned His face;
Sun hid in black of mourning
To hide His deep disgrace.
(Is 53:5, 6, 11-12; Ps 22:1; Is 50:3)
(Rm 5:6-8; 2 Cor 5:21; Mt 27:46; Lk 23:44-46)
At last He cried “It’s Finished!”
He bowed His head and died.
Bruised by sin’s fearful wages
Our Maker crucified.
(Ps 22:31; Gen 3:15; Is 53:5)
(Jn 19:30; Hb 2:14-15; 1 Cor 15:3-4)
His body then was buried
Within a borrowed tomb,
Wrapped well in costly spices
To face death’s final gloom.
(Is 53:9; Ps 45:8)
(Mt 27:57-60; Jn 19:39-40)
But death could never hold Him,
God will not let Him stay –
He rose, defeated Satan,
And sealed death’s might away.
(Ps 16:10; 89:27; Is 25:7-8)
(Acts 2:31-32; Col 1:18; 1 Jn 3:17; 2 Tim 1:10; 1 Cor 15:54-57)
Beginning back at Moses
Through all the Prophets, too,
He showed to His disciples
All they foretold He’d do.
(Lk 24:27; 44-47)
From Olive’s Mount ascending
He sat at God’s right hand
Until He comes to gather
His people to that land.
(Zech 14:4; Ps 110:1
(Acts 1:9-12; Mk 16:19; Hb 10:12-13)
Right now, He’s interceding
For those He calls His own;
He’s giving gifts to Christians
From heaven’s royal throne.
(Is 53:12; Is 40:11; Ps 68:18; Is 44:3)
(Hb 7:25; Jn 10:14; Eph 4:7-8; Jn 7:37-39; 16:7)
Someday He’ll come in power
To reign as King of kings;
Defeating those who hate Him,
Their just reward He brings.
(Ps 2:6; Zech 14:9; Is 24:21; 62:11)
(Lk 1:32-33; Rev 11:15; 17:14; 19:11, 19-21; 22:12)
Soon every knee will worship
And every tongue confess
That He is Lord of glory,
Of faithful righteousness.
(Is 45:23; Ps 24:7-10; Is 11:5)
(Phil 2:9-11; 1 Cor 3:8; Rev 19:11)
And all the Law and Prophets
Foretold will be fulfilled,
For Christ will have accomplished
All that His Father willed.
(Is 40:7-8)
(Heb 10:7; Mt 5:17-18; Jn 6:38-39)
Christina Joy Hommes
See more prophesies that Jesus fulfilled in this book that weaves together Bible verses of prophesies about Jesus with verses that show how He fulfilled them:
Prophesies Fulfilled – 25 Advent Readings
See the amazing ways Jesus fulfilled so many prophesies throughout His life.
These readings pair Old Testament prophesies about Christ with New Testament verses showing ways He fulfilled them.
This book will encourage and build your faith as you worship and praise the Lord Jesus this Christmas season.
Perfect for keeping Jesus Christ at the center of the busy Christmas season, these Advent Readings are designed so you can read one on each day of December leading up to Christmas (or any time!). You can use these Bible readings yourself or share them as a family for Christ-centered devotions.

Who Lies Within the Manger
Who lies within the manger?
Who is this child so small?
It is the Lord almighty,
Creator of us all.
Who is this wrapped up tightly
In swaddling bands asleep?
It is the King of heaven
Who rules the raging deep.
Who is this in a stable
That shepherds come to see?
It is the mighty Savior
Come down for you and me.
Christina Joy Hommes

The Christmas Story
The world was dark and sleeping
In sadness and in woe
Awaiting the Messiah
Some centuries ago.
One girl was humbly living
To please her faithful Lord
When suddenly an angel
Appeared and gave this Word –
A virgin, she would carry
The very Son of God
Into this world of darkness
To scatter light abroad.
By simple faith she trusted
What God had said He’d do,
She told Him she was willing
Since He would bring her through.
When Joseph, her fiancé,
A just and godly man,
Heard of the situation
He formed a gentle plan.
But once again an angel
Was dispatched on the case
To tell him of God’s purpose
To save the world through grace.
By faith he rose up early,
Obeyed God’s clear command
To take his young wife, Mary,
Though none might understand.
Then came the Caesar’s order,
And Joseph took his bride
To Bethlehem in Judah
Just as God’s Word implied.
Arriving in the city
They could not find a place –
The inn was full. A stable
Was all the empty space.
In that most humble setting
The King of all was born,
Laid in the common manger
To greet the rising morn.
Though no one else took notice,
The angels were amazed
That God would choose this welcome –
His matchless love they praised.
An angel was commissioned
To shepherds on that night
To tell them of the Savior
Who came to bring us light.
‘Fear not, I bring good tidings
Of joy for all to hear –
In David’s town the Savior
Has come. The Lord is near!’
A host of heaven’s angels
Praised God for Jesus’ birth:
‘To God on high be glory,
And peace, goodwill on earth.’
The shepherds ran to see Him
And found the Lord of all
Wrapped in a cloth and lying
Within a cattle stall.
When they had seen the Savior
They hurried to proclaim
The news of hope in Jesus
And in His mighty Name.
We’ve heard those joyful tidings
Of Christmas hope and cheer,
And now we tell the story
To others far and near.
Christina Joy Hommes

Why Come to Earth?
Why Come to Earth?
He left His throne of glory
Where angels sang His praise,
Where heaven could not hold Him,
Where light concealed His ways,
To take a human body
And live with us below,
His life and perfect record
On us to then bestow.
He left His place in heaven
To suffer with us here,
To know our deepest struggles,
To share our every tear.
Why did He chose to humble
Himself in such a way?
To seem so average, common,
To share our pain each day?
He came because the Father
So loved the world He gave
His precious Son as Jesus
The world to freely save.
He came because He wanted
The joy that He could see
Of bringing God the glory,
And setting sinners free.
He came because His nature
Is mercy, love, and grace,
And by His death God’s justice
My record could erase.
By death He conquered dying,
By rising quelled the grave
For all who call upon Him
And ask, “Redeemer save!”
He came to please the Father,
To save me as His own.
Now He is high exalted
Upon His Father’s throne,
Where angels sing His praises
And all His people love
The Savior who left heaven
To bring them up above.
Christina Joy Hommes

Who’s Wrapped in Swaddling Bands?
Who’s wrapped in swaddling bands and laid
Within a cattle stall?
It is the Lord who made all things,
The King high over all.
Who’s wrapped in grave clothes, laid to sleep
Within a cold, dark grave?
It is the Lord of life and light
With strength to heal and save.
Who’s wrapped in glory as a robe,
And clothed in majesty?
It is the Son of man who came
In great humility.
Who’s clothed in white and seated round
The throne of God above?
These are the ones that Jesus saved,
Redeemed by His great love.
Christina Joy Hommes