Christmas Poems

Enjoy these Christian Christmas poems that celebrate the birth and incarnation of our glorious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – Emmanuel.

As Christmas Ends

As Christmas Ends

As Christmas Ends

As Christmastime is ending
With all its festive light,
The trees and all the tinsel
Will sleep a year-long night.

But joy and peace continue
With hope and grace and love;
Goodwill is still extended
From God who reigns above.

Nativities are hidden –
In attics boxed away,
But Jesus stays among us
To guide us day by day.

I love a month for Jesus
To celebrate His birth,
But all year round He’s with us –
That’s why He came to earth.

So as the new year beckons
And Christmas fades from view,
Let’s keep its joyful spirit
And worship all year through.

Christina Joy Hommes

Imagine Christmas

Imagine Christmas

Imagine Christmas

Imagine being Joseph
And looking for a place
To house a pregnant mother
But finding there’s no space.

Imagine being Mary
And laying God’s own Son
Within a rough hewn manger
Wrapped tight in plain homespun.

Imagine you’re a shepherd
While angels gladly tell
That Christ is come to save us,
Our true Emmanuel.

Imagine you’re a wiseman
In search of heaven’s King
And see His childlike interest
In all the gifts you bring.

Imagine seeing Jesus
Who came here just for you
And let the well-known story
Bring joy that’s fresh and new.

Christina Joy Hommes

Together on a Winter Night

Together on a Winter Night

Together on a Winter Night

There’s nothing like a winter night
Around a cozy fire,
While snowflakes fall you’re wrapped up tight
And form a family choir.

While laughter rings and each voice sings
The carols that we love,
We feel the joy that Christmas brings
When God came from above.

The tree-lights shine and every face
Is wreathed with festive smile;
Let cares begone as in their place
We gather for a while.

Let all the warmth of loving cheer
Bring happiness tonight,
For Christ has come and God is near
To fill our hearts with light.

Christina Joy Hommes

A Birthday Gift for Jesus

A Birthday Gift for Jesus

A Birthday Gift for Jesus

What can I give to Jesus
For Christmastime this year –
A birthday gift for Someone
So holy, kind, and dear?

What’s on the Savior’s wish list
That I could choose to do
To show His love to others
And tell Him “I love You”?

Perhaps an act of kindness
In His behalf today
To bless a weary pilgrim
And help them on their way.

Or maybe time or treasure
That’s given in His Name
Would pass along His goodness
And showcase why He came.

Lord, help me think of something
To make Your birthday bright –
A birthday gift for Jesus
That brings You true delight.

Christina Joy Hommes

Come See, The God of Heaven

Come See, The God of Heaven

Come, see! The God of heaven
Is walking on this earth;
The angels He created
Announce His humble birth.

Come, see! The God of heaven
Is healing blind and lame
And making friends of outcasts
Who call upon His Name.

Come, see! The God of heaven
Is dying on the tree –
The innocent found guilty
To pardon you and me.

Come, see! The God of heaven
Is rising from the grave
Exalted and triumphant
To prove His pow’r to save.

Come, see! The God of heaven
Ascending to His throne
To intercede forever
For those He calls His own.

Come, see! The God of heaven
Is coming back to reign
With all His saints who follow
Exultant in His train.

Come, see! The God of heaven
Is making all things new.
Our King and our Redeemer
We bring our praise to You!

Christina Joy Hommes

A Christmas Invitation

A Christmas Invitation

A Christmas Invitation

The Christmas star is shining bright
To lead us to the place
Where Jesus came and lived with us
To save us by His grace.

The angels tell the joyful news
That Christ our Savior came
To offer peace to everyone
Who trusts His holy Name.

The shepherds call us all to come
And worship Him today,
To trust the One who came and died
To wash our sins away.

The Child Himself invites us each
To come so we’ll receive
His gift of love and endless life
For all who will believe.

So won’t you come and turn from sin
To trust in Christ alone?
He died and rose to save your soul
So you can be His own.

Christina Joy Hommes

A Childhood Memory

A Childhood Memory

A Childhood Memory

I saw those old Brach’s peppermints
This Christmas at the store –
The tears began and took me back
Through recollection’s door.

I seemed to see dear farmer Hann
In boots and coveralls
Come walking up beside me there
As in the old church halls.

Where every week he’d search me out
And say these words I hear:
Just, “Jesus loves you, I do too.”
So simple yet so clear.

He’d search that big, deep pocket through
To find a mint for me –
His words were etched in red and white
Upon my heart, you see.

You never know how God can use
A simple act of love
To touch a heart, to shape a life,
To point a soul above.

Christina Joy Hommes
Based on a true story I heard

What Is Christmas?

What Is Christmas?

What Is Christmas?

The wonder of a baby
So tiny, sweet, and new,
Of angels gladly singing –
The Savior’s here for you!

The joy of startled shepherds
To hear the Lord was near,
Of Mary, now a mother,
Who held a Son so dear.

The love of God to send us
His only Son that day,
Of Jesus to be willing
To come to us that way.

The peace that Christ was bringing
To those once lost in sin,
Of knowing God can welcome
Repentant sinners in.

The spirit of that Christmas
Can still be ours today
If we will stop to wonder
To worship, sing, and pray.

Christina Joy Hommes

Is He Welcome?

Is He Welcome?

Is He Welcome?

The inn was full and busy,
But somewhere in a stall
They made a space to welcome
The Savior for us all.

The world seems far too busy
To welcome Him today,
The noted, rich, and famous
Have turned the Lord away.

But if we’ll make Him welcome,
He’ll take us as His own
To dwell with us forever
And make our hearts His throne.

Christina Joy Hommes

Emmanuel Is with Us

Emmanuel Is with Us

Emmanuel Is with Us

Emmanuel is with us –
He came on Christmas day
To be our Friend and Savior
And wash our sins away.

Emmanuel is with us –
He comes to us each day
To bring us grace and favor
And hear us when we pray.

Emmanuel is with us –
He’ll come again someday
To bring His own dear children
To heaven’s home to stay.

Emmanuel is with us –
Are we with Him today
To worship and adore Him
And walk with Him each day?

Christina Joy Hommes

“Behold, a virgin shall be with child,
and shall bring forth a son,
and they shall call His name Emmanuel,
which being interpreted is, God with us.”
Matthew 1:23