Poems about Heaven & Eternity
These poems about heaven and eternity provide a fresh perspective on our hope through Jesus Christ. Whether you are looking forward to heaven yourself or have a friend or loved one who is there, these poems will provide comfort and hope as you think about the glory and peace of heaven.
Many of these poems have been written as I’ve thought about dear friends who have gone on before us and what they must be experiencing. Others are written when I was thinking about God’s promises that we will see Him face to face forever and be rewarded by His grace in that place where there is no pain, no sin, and no death.
If you have a friend who is grieving a loved one who has passed away, these poems are a thoughtful way to share your love and support when you don’t know what to say.

Goodbyes Are Not Forever
Goodbyes are not forever
For Christians who must part,
For soon will be a meeting
From which we won’t depart.
Goodbyes are not forever
For someday soon we’ll meet
On heavens shore with nothing
To cloud our joy complete.
Goodbyes are not forever
For soon we’ll see His face,
And worship Him together
For all His love and grace.
Goodbyes are not forever,
Yet often they are hard –
Somehow that says, “I love you.
You have part of my heart.”
For all of my Michigan friends –
You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Christina Joy Hommes

Fade, Fade Each Earthly Joy
Fade, fade each earthly joy,
Leave room for heavenly vision,
That I may see my bridegroom’s face
Along the way to heaven.
Fade, fade conceited mirth,
Leave room for heavenly peace
Which reigns midst tempest’s gloomy hour
And bids my sorrow cease.
Fade, fade temptation strong,
Leave room for God’s good will,
That I may follow where He leads
And find His pleasure still.
Fade, fade now, pride of life,
Leave room to view the cross,
That I may glory in His Name
For whom all things are loss.
Shine forth heaven’s light of day,
Leave room for nothing less,
And draw me towards my heavenly goal
Of Christ’s eternal rest.
Christina Joy Hommes