Poems about Heaven & Eternity
These poems about heaven and eternity provide a fresh perspective on our hope through Jesus Christ. Whether you are looking forward to heaven yourself or have a friend or loved one who is there, these poems will provide comfort and hope as you think about the glory and peace of heaven.
Many of these poems have been written as I’ve thought about dear friends who have gone on before us and what they must be experiencing. Others are written when I was thinking about God’s promises that we will see Him face to face forever and be rewarded by His grace in that place where there is no pain, no sin, and no death.
If you have a friend who is grieving a loved one who has passed away, these poems are a thoughtful way to share your love and support when you don’t know what to say.

Today May Be the Day
Today May Be the Day
When Jesus comes for me
To take me to His perfect home
To spend eternity.
Today may be the joyful day
When Jesus shall appear
To take me from this world of sin
And banish death and fear.
Today may be the longed for day
When Jesus comes at last –
So I’ll be ready for the time
He sounds the trumpet blast.
Today may be the endless day
When Jesus takes me home –
I’m watching, waiting for the hour
His voice will call me, “Come!”
Christina Joy Hommes

Our Friends Are Passing One by One
Our friends are passing one by one
Through heaven’s open door,
When all their earthly work is done
They reach that golden shore.
We miss them here as on we go
To run our earthly race,
But as we run we’re helped to know
Their witness of God’s grace.
Just think how sweet the day will be
When we can meet once more
Each smiling face again to see
Where gold paves all the floor!
Or think what it would be to meet
With Jesus in the clouds,
To share communion long and sweet
With all the happy crowds!
For as our friends pass on before,
We know our turn will come
When we will enter through the Door
And find sweet heaven’s home.
So run with faith and joy today
Because it won’t be long
Until we meet and hear them say,
Did you stay true and strong?
Christina Joy Hommes

I’ve Made My Reservation
I’ve made my reservation
For heaven’s happy home
Where I will dwell forever
And never need to roam.
I’ve great anticipation
For heaven’s perfect rest
Where pain and toil are over
And I’ll be ever blessed.
I’ve set my life’s direction
To heaven’s shining light
Where I have stored my treasures
And find my heart’s delight.
I’ve found the way to heaven
In Jesus Christ the Lord –
By grace through faith He’s saved me,
In Him my soul’s restored.
Christina Joy Hommes

When Things Get Worse (Luke 21:28)
When Things Get Worse
Luke 21:28
The world is getting worse and worse
With wars and with disease,
With famine and ungodliness,
With wicked men at ease.
But don’t lose heart, instead look up
Because these signs make clear
That our redemption will be soon –
The day is drawing near.
So, though there’s darkness here rejoice,
And don’t give in to fear –
For Jesus said these times would come
Before He would appear.
Christina Joy Hommes
“And when these things begin to come to pass,
then look up, and lift up your heads;
for your redemption draweth nigh.”
Luke 21:28

If I Should Wake on Heaven’s Shore
If I Should Wake on Heaven’s Shore
On heaven’s golden shore,
Then glory! hallelujah!
I’d feel earth’s pain no more.
I’d see my precious Savior
And fall before His feet
To worship and to thank Him
As face to face we’d meet.
I’d walk the streets rejoicing
With all the saints of old,
Enjoying and retelling
Accounts of grace untold.
I’d sing with voice unhindered
The praises of my King,
In poetry celestial
My grateful thanks to bring.
I’d be forever happy,
Forevermore at rest,
Rejoicing in my Savior
Whose Name I have confessed.
I’d know His grace and mercy,
Taste freely of His love,
And wait for you to join me
In heaven’s home above.
Christina Joy Hommes

The Gates of Heaven Opened Wide
The Gates of Heaven Opened Wide
The gates of heaven opened wide,
I saw my Savior’s face!
Pain disappeared in glorious rest
While tears dissolved in grace.
My Lord stretched out His arms of love
And called me, “Child, come home.”
I entered heaven’s glorious day –
No more on earth I’ll roam.
He smiled and said, “Well done!” to me,
Those words I’d longed to hear;
So often I’d imagined them
But they were sweeter here.
I can’t describe it all just yet,
I still must take it in,
But here there’s never pain or tears,
No sorrow, death, or sin.
Here all is light and God is near,
Earth’s troubles are repaid;
No fears remain, no doubts arise,
No worries make afraid.
When you remember me, my friend,
Remember where I’ve come –
Believe in Jesus Christ alone
And live for heaven’s home.
Christina Joy Hommes

What Heaven is Like
What Heaven Is Like
Heaven is a place of comfort,
Heaven is a land of peace
Where no sin or worry enter,
Where life’s cares forever cease.
Heaven is a place of triumph,
Heaven is a land of grace
Where God’s children are rewarded,
Where we’ll see our Savior’s face.
Heaven is a place of worship,
Heaven is a land of song
Where there’s always joy and gladness,
Where we’ll praise Him all day long.
Heaven is a place of beauty,
Heaven is a land of rest
Where we’ll feel no pain or sorrow,
Where the saved are ever blessed.
Heaven is a place of glory,
Heaven is a land of light
Where the Lamb is ever present,
Where He’s said there’s no more night.
Heaven is the place I long for,
Heaven is the home I love
Where my Savior reigns forever,
Where He waits for me above.
Christina Joy Hommes
This poem is part of Summer for the Soul a 14-day spiritual “devo-cation” that will refresh and encourage your heart. Get a copy to read or share here

He’ll Burst Upon Our Sight
Then, with a flash of glory,
He’ll burst upon our sight,
And we will all behold Him
In raptures of delight.
For in His blinding glory
We’ll find ourselves transformed –
Made lastingly immortal,
Like Him at last re-formed.
O what a day of glory!
O what an hour of joy!
In hopeful expectation
Each moment I’ll employ.
Christina Joy Hommes

Perfect Rest
No more sin, and no more struggle,
O what bliss awaits!
There with Jesus Christ forever
In His grand estates.
No temptations ever luring,
No more fear of sin;
Not just washed, but white and holy,
Clean as snow within.
No more devil scheming, plotting,
No more fear of him;
Just the peace of ever resting
In my Savior’s plan.
No more world to urge me wayward,
Drive me from the right;
Just the happy host of heaven
Gathered in the light.
No more flesh to fight and shame me,
No more wrong desire,
Just the joy of serving Jesus –
What will this transpire?
No more sadness, loss, or grieving,
No more pain or woe;
Jesus conquered death and suffering
When He lived below.
Hasten, Lord, this day so precious
When You’ll set me free;
Then, as pure as Christ my Savior,
I will worship Thee.
For Bob Anderson
Christina Joy Hommes

I’m Waiting for a Promised Day
I’m waiting for a promised day
When Christ subdues all things,
And brings them under His control –
All nations, peoples, kings.
Upon that day no one will stand
Against God’s will or plan;
No wicked plot will find success,
Or evil schemes of man.
For God will bring the day at last
As promised in His Word –
Each knee will bow, each tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord.
Christina Joy Hommes