Poems about Heaven & Eternity
These poems about heaven and eternity provide a fresh perspective on our hope through Jesus Christ. Whether you are looking forward to heaven yourself or have a friend or loved one who is there, these poems will provide comfort and hope as you think about the glory and peace of heaven.
Many of these poems have been written as I’ve thought about dear friends who have gone on before us and what they must be experiencing. Others are written when I was thinking about God’s promises that we will see Him face to face forever and be rewarded by His grace in that place where there is no pain, no sin, and no death.
If you have a friend who is grieving a loved one who has passed away, these poems are a thoughtful way to share your love and support when you don’t know what to say.

Well Done, My Child, Well Done
Well Done, My Child, Well Done
I cannot see the finish line
That’s somewhere up ahead –
The homestretch may be very close
Or miles away instead.
However far may lie between
That mark and where I run,
These words are what I long to hear
The day my race is done:
“Well done, my child, you finished well,
The crown of life you won.
You fought the fight, you ran the race,
Well done, my child, well done!”
I cannot see the finish line,
But Jesus knows its place,
And He will give sufficient strength
To reach it by His grace.
So I’ll just run until He says,
“Come home,” and welcomes me –
I’ll keep right on until I hear
These words of victory:
“Well done, my child, you finished well,
The crown of life you won.
You fought the fight, you ran the race,
Well done, my child, well done!”
Christina Joy Hommes

God’s Reunion
God’s Reunion
God’s planning a reunion
In heaven’s courts above
Where all His many children
Will gather in His love.
We’ll meet our older brothers
And sisters from the past,
And swap the happy stories
Of getting there at last.
With laughter and rejoicing,
Our songs will fill the air
When all of us together
Assemble over there.
Oh, what a glad reunion
Will crown that happy day
When all the Father’s family
Is gathered home to stay!
Christina Joy Hommes

Heaven’s Welcome
Heaven’s Welcome
I almost see the welcome
That’s waiting just for you
Beyond the gates of heaven
When you have stepped right through:
The glowing light of heaven –
God’s presence all around,
The sweetest songs all filling
The air with joyful sound,
The pure and lovely fragrance
Of home sweet home at last,
The wide-awake, glad feeling
Of life when pain is past,
The dear ones gone before you
All gathered round the throne,
The fuller understanding
Of all you’ve ever known,
And best of all the Savior
Who’ll welcome you above
To share His life forever
In perfect peace and love.
Christina Joy Hommes
“For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 1:11

A Stone of Purest White
A Stone of Purest White
Revelation 2:17
I’ll stand before God’s holy throne
And meet my Judge someday;
I have no fear because in Christ
I know just what He’ll say.
He’ll give a stone of purest white
Which He has promised me;
It shows the verdict – innocent –
And serves as heaven’s key.
And in that stone a precious name,
For I will be His own;
The Lord will claim me on that day
I stand before His throne.
Christina Joy Hommes
“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.” Revelation 2:17

Now I See Him
Now I See Him
I knew God through the time I spent
In Scripture and in prayer,
I heard Him in the still small voice
That showed His tender care.
I saw Him in His mighty works
And little blessings too,
The things He sent to show His love
And prove His Word was true.
But now I see Him with my eyes
And truly hear His voice,
I know Him as He knew me then –
It makes my heart rejoice!
The things I prayed for those I love
I’ve asked Him face to face,
And He’s assured me He will work
With strong and loving grace.
He’s just the same as what He said
So, trust in Him today –
Proclaim His love, believe His Word,
And seek Him as you pray.
Christina Joy Hommes

He’s Coming
He’s Coming
The money markets waver
Earth’s kings and queens pass on
While wars and threats increasing
Bring famine as their pawn
But in these situations
We should not be surprised
Or wring our hands in anguish
At what the world’s devised
For Jesus surely told us
These things would all increase
Before His promised coming
When He will bring true peace
He told us in the turmoil
To lift our heads and look
Because He’d be appearing
While kingdoms rose and shook
So do not be afrighted
The Lord is on our side
And till He comes to get us
Within us He’ll abide
Christina Joy Hommes

What Will It Be in Heaven?
What Will It Be in Heaven?
What will it be in heaven
To see my Savior’s face –
To have the words to thank Him
For all His love and grace?
What will it be in heaven
To feel no pain again –
Forgetting all the troubles
And sorrows that have been?
What will it be in heaven
To say goodbye no more –
Forever with faith’s family
On God’s celestial shore?
What will it be in heaven
To never shed a tear –
To feel no fear or heartache
Where days are never drear?
What will it be in heaven
To never, ever sin –
To never face temptation
Or feel its pull within?
What will it be in heaven?
Until I fully know
I see enough to thrill me
And make life’s pathway glow.
Christina Joy Hommes

When He Got Home
When He Got Home
The Savior came and called him,
“Come home with me, my son.”
What joy in meeting Jesus
And hearing His “Well done!”
Christ led him through the entrance
To life that never ends
Where he was gladly greeted
By loved ones dear and friends.
A stranger ran to meet him,
“Don’t you remember me?
You told me of the Savior
Who set my spirit free!”
Another came, “You helped me
To spread the gospel’s light
To souls now praising Jesus
With hope and purpose bright.”
More people gathered round him
To thank him for his part
In pointing them toward heaven
And showing them God’s heart.
Perhaps he’s telling stories
Of battles fought and won,
Or at the throne rejoicing
In all the Lord has done.
If he was here, he’d tell us
“You can’t out-give the Lord,
So give Him time and talent
And watch for His reward.”
In loving memory of
Robert Whitehead
Christina Joy Hommes

Revelation 21-22
Revelation 21-22
I saw the holy city
Descend from God at last
A bride adorned with beauty
With walls both grand and vast
Her light was like a jasper
Which sparkles clear and bright
God’s glory was within her
Her only source of light
Within her were the holy
Who dwell with God the Lord
Though once despised and lowly
He gave them great reward
Blest is the one who hearing
Lives now for Christ alone
Prepared at His appearing
To stand before His throne
Christina Joy Hommes

No More Goodbyes
No More Goodbyes
Here in this world of sorrow
We often say goodbye –
It fills our hearts with sadness
And dims our tearful eye.
We part from friends and loved ones
With thankfulness and pain.
We say “Goodbye – God bless you
Until we meet again.”
But in that world of heaven
Where tears are wiped away,
God’s people are together
For life’s eternal day.
There time can’t shorten visits
And death can’t call away,
Pain will not interrupt us
And sin will not betray.
We’ll worship Christ together
And talk about His love –
No more goodbyes await us
In heaven’s home above.
Christina Joy Hommes