Encouraging Devotional Poems

A Birthday Gift for Jesus

A Birthday Gift for Jesus

A Birthday Gift for Jesus

What can I give to Jesus
For Christmastime this year –
A birthday gift for Someone
So holy, kind, and dear?

What’s on the Savior’s wish list
That I could choose to do
To show His love to others
And tell Him “I love You”?

Perhaps an act of kindness
In His behalf today
To bless a weary pilgrim
And help them on their way.

Or maybe time or treasure
That’s given in His Name
Would pass along His goodness
And showcase why He came.

Lord, help me think of something
To make Your birthday bright –
A birthday gift for Jesus
That brings You true delight.

Christina Joy Hommes

Counting My Blessings

Counting My Blessings

Counting My Blessings

I stop to count my blessings
And every time I find
There’s more than I can number
Since God’s so good and kind.

Yet still I love to list them,
These blessings from above,
To praise my God and notice
The greatness of His love.

For breath and life You give me,
For daily food and care,
For timely rain and sunshine,
For mercies everywhere,

For friends and all my loved ones,
For cherished moments, too,
For church and Christian family,
For all I know of You,

For pardon and salvation,
For heaven’s promised rest,
For giving me the Bible –
How richly I’ve been blessed!

For recent gifts and past ones,
For hearing when I pray,
For showing me such kindness,
For loving me each day.

Lord, thank You for Your goodness
So constant, true, and strong –
I’ll praise Your Name forever
With glad and grateful song.

Christina Joy Hommes

With Thankful Hearts

With Thankful Hearts

With Thankful Hearts

With thankful hearts we look above
And see You on Your throne,
We glorify Your mighty Name
And worship You alone.

With thankful hearts we’re looking back
At all the things You’ve done,
We stop to see Your mighty works
And praise them one by one.

With thankful hearts we look around
At blessings from above –
Provision, guidance, answered prayer –
That show Your constant love.

With thankful hearts we look ahead
With hope and trust in You
That what You’ve been You’ll always be
And as You’ve done You’ll do.

With thankful hearts we look to You
And lift our hands in praise
For all Your care and character
That guide and bless our days.

Christina Joy Hommes

My Prayer for You

My Prayer for You

My Prayer for You

I lifted your name to the Father
And asked Him to bless you today,
I asked Him to guide and sustain you
Each step of your heavenward way.

I mentioned your needs to the Father
And asked Him to amply provide,
I asked Him to show you His goodness
That always stays close by your side.

I spoke of your work to the Father
And asked Him to richly reward,
I asked Him to prosper your service
That honors our Savior and Lord.

I offered up praise to the Father
And lovingly thanked Him for you,
I asked Him to load you with blessings
And crown you with favor anew.

Christina Joy Hommes

How Many Times?

How Many Times?

How Many Times?

How many times have you painted the sky?
How many times taught a bird how to fly?
How many times have you sculpted a wave?
How many times carved a canyon or cave?

How many snowflakes and clouds have you formed?
How many diamonds by pressure transformed?
How many roses and violets designed?
How many stars have you lit and aligned?

So many times yet the sunset tonight
Still brings you joy and Your people delight.
So many ways yet there’s still something new –
No one’s creative or faithful as You!

Christina Joy Hommes

Across the Line with Jesus

Across the Line with Jesus

Across the Line with Jesus

When someone draws a haughty line
And says it’s “us” and “them,”
We’ll see across the line they drew
That Man from Bethlehem.

He always reached the lost and lone
And healed the sick and lame;
He saved the sinful, raised the dead,
And bore their guilt and shame.

So when we feel like being glad
We’re better than “that guy,”
Let’s stop and think what Jesus did
And tell our pride goodbye.

If we’ve been saved from sin and hell
It’s ’cause we’re one of “them,”
So let’s be quick to show the love
Of Christ from Bethlehem.

Christina Joy Hommes

See: Luke 18:9-14; Galatians 6:1

Still Worthy

Still Worthy

Still Worthy

Before the world existed
And time or space were made,
God’s Son was with the Father
In majesty arrayed.

But then He came among us,
A man like you and me.
He faced the same temptations
Yet stood in purity.

Messiah still was worthy
Of sitting on God’s throne
Where not a hint of evil
Can enter or be shown.

Then Jesus took our sin-load
With all our guilt and shame
And gave Himself as payment
As if He was to blame.

His sacrifice sufficient
To cancel all that sin,
The risen Christ ascended
And freely entered in.

He sat beside the Father
On God’s eternal throne
Unscathed and robed in glory
To claim it as His own.

Still worthy of His title,
Still worthy of His place,
Oh, what a glorious Savior
Now fills the throne of grace!

Christina Joy Hommes

It’s one thing for the Son to have been co-equal and able to sit on the Father’s throne before the incarnation. But He twice took steps that would have disqualified anyone else – facing life’s temptations and then bearing our sin – and yet He triumphed in purity and glory, still worthy to claim His title and throne. As we believe:


  • Lived on earth as one of us
  • Faced the same temptations and troubles we face
  • Never sinned in thought, word, or action
  • Remained pure and holy without a hint of sin
  • Was still worthy to sit on God’s holy throne after 33 years on earth

We know from experience what divine strength and purpose that takes!

And then He…

  • Took all of our sins as if they were His own and stood guilty in our place
  • Offered Himself as a sacrifice and died in our place
  • Was a substitute so pure, so infinite, so acceptable that He did what we could never do
  • Paid for and canceled the record of all those sins in full
  • Rose to eternal life unscathed by evil
  • Ascended worthy to sit on God’s righteous throne, retain His titles, and reclaim His rightful position of honor and majesty

That is magnificent and astonishing beyond our comprehension!

Truly the Lord Jesus is eternally worthy of all worship and praise.


Coming Boldly (Hebrews 4:14-16)

Coming Boldly (Hebrews 4:14-16)

Coming Boldly
(Hebrews 4:14-16)

Lord, help me come with boldness
To seek Your throne for grace.
You know how much I need You
And long to see Your face.

I boldly ask for mercy
For Christ my Savior’s sake
Who faced the same temptations
Yet stood and didn’t break.

He sits with You in glory
A sympathetic King
Who makes us sinners worthy
To ask for anything.

Lord God, in humble boldness
I come before Your throne
And ask for help and power
To love and make You known.

Christina Joy Hommes

Well Done, My Child, Well Done

Well Done, My Child, Well Done

Well Done, My Child, Well Done

I cannot see the finish line
That’s somewhere up ahead –
The homestretch may be very close
Or miles away instead.
However far may lie between
That mark and where I run,
These words are what I long to hear
The day my race is done:

“Well done, my child, you finished well,
The crown of life you won.
You fought the fight, you ran the race,
Well done, my child, well done!”

I cannot see the finish line,
But Jesus knows its place,
And He will give sufficient strength
To reach it by His grace.
So I’ll just run until He says,
“Come home,” and welcomes me –
I’ll keep right on until I hear
These words of victory:

“Well done, my child, you finished well,
The crown of life you won.
You fought the fight, you ran the race,
Well done, my child, well done!”

Christina Joy Hommes

I’ll Carry It Today

I’ll Carry It Today

I’ll Carry It Today

Dear child, you know I love you,
I care about your tears,
I want to bear your burdens
And calm your doubts and fears.

This load that you’ve been wearing
Is far too big for you,
But I will gladly take it
If you’ll just trust me to.

I’m strong – it will not hurt me,
I’m wise – I’ll understand,
I’m kind – I want to help you,
I’m good – so trust my hand.

Lay down this heavy burden
And let it roll away,
Release the strain and worry –
I’ll carry it today.

Christina Joy Hommes