Gospel Poems
These gospel poems are about the gospel and about sharing the gospel. They’ll help you…
– Discover or rediscover the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ
– Dig deeper into what the gospel means for your life today
– Find encouragement as you share that good news with others

My Soul’s Beloved
My Soul’s Beloved
Who is my soul’s Beloved?
It is the Lord I love
Who gave Himself to save me,
Descended from above.
He left His Father’s throne room
To live upon the earth
A life of normal trouble,
A peasant from His birth.
He left His throne of glory
To suffer, hunger, die,
That He might be forsaken,
In grave clothes He might lie.
He left his place of beauty,
Then brought it down to us –
He rose again! He liveth
Our Lord victorious!
He left His rightful glory
To save me by His grace.
He’s always interceding
For me in that bright place.
And soon I know He’s coming
To catch me up to be
With Him, my soul’s Beloved,
Through all eternity.
Christina Joy Hommes

Who Is This Child?
Who is this child born long ago
That we recall this story so?
Why do we stop and celebrate
His advent to commemorate?
This child is Christ, the Promised One,
The Lord of all, God’s only Son,
Who took on flesh and came to earth
A peasant of such lowly birth.
This little baby, poor and weak,
Whom distant monarchs came to seek,
Is Lord of lords and King of kings
Of whom the angel chorus sings.
Why did He come and live below
To share our pain, our grief to know?
He came to save us from our sin
And make us pure and right within.
He came to set His people free
From sin and death and misery,
To give to all who will receive
The gift of life when they believe.
This baby born tonight is Lord,
Do not despise His promised Word
That all who trust on Him will be
Saved now and through eternity.
Christina Joy Hommes

Today at 3 PM I have been asked to share some of my poetry on WMPC 1230AM. Here is the poem I wrote for today.
We’re gathered as one group today
Though scattered here and there,
For all can hear what we will say
Suspended on the air.
And so I ask, is Christ your King,
Do you serve Him alone?
If so, then join me as we bring
Our thanks before His throne.
If not, I ask, why not, my friend?
For Jesus died for you –
Accept the gift that He will send
A heart reborn and new.
Let each of us forsake our sin,
Our selfish deeds and thoughts,
And welcome Christ forever in
As Master of our hearts.
We thank you Lord for all your love,
For guiding us each day,
Prepare us for our home above
And help us all to say –
Because You lived and died for me,
I give my life to You
To love You for eternity,
My faith and hope renew.
Christina Joy Hommes