Gospel Poems

These gospel poems are about the gospel and about sharing the gospel. They’ll help you…

– Discover or rediscover the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ

– Dig deeper into what the gospel means for your life today

– Find encouragement as you share that good news with others

Who Have You Told?

Who Have You Told?

Who Have You Told?

Just stop a spell and think about
The one who told to you
The precious news that Jesus saves
And offers life that’s new.

You see their face and hear their voice
When thinking of the day
You first believed and knew for sure
Your sins were washed away.

Now who can stop and picture you
When thinking of the time
They found the Lord and by His grace
Began the upward climb?

If you’ll be one who takes the time
To share the Savior’s love,
Just think of all the friends you’ll take
To heaven’s home above.

Christina Joy Hommes




My life has been refurbished
Rebuilt again like new;
The Lord took broken pieces
And made His love the glue.

He built a brand-new motor
That takes a different fuel;
He’s tuning and refining
And made His grace the tool.

I’ve got a destination
When life has run its course;
The Lord has safely led me
And made His Word the source.

My life has been refurbished
It’s better than before;
God took a broken vessel
And changed me evermore.

Christina Joy Hommes

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.” 2 Corinthians 4:7

Where all My Hopes Are Built

Where all My Hopes Are Built

Where all My Hopes Are Built

Yes, I deserve to die,
My sin condemns my soul;
And by myself I can’t escape
Or shake its full control.

But Jesus died for me –
He took my sin and guilt,
He paid my debt upon the cross
Where all my hopes are built.

Now I am free indeed
For Christ has set me free!
He rose again and gave me life
For all eternity.

Henceforth I live in Him
And heed His loving call.
With grateful thanks I praise His Name
For He’s my all in all.

Christina Joy Hommes

He Faced the Cross for Me

He Faced the Cross for Me

He Faced the Cross for Me

He took my sin and faced the cross
Then counted gain what first was loss;
He saw the joy that pain obscured,
And endless life through death secured.

Though He was rich, He came here poor,
The God that sinners would ignore;
Though He was great, He served the least
And through His death, death’s chains released.

He rose again though He had died,
Though once made low was magnified;
The Lamb once slain now lives above
And reigns supreme the Lord of love.

He offers life instead of death,
Gives purpose for each fleeting breath;
Through serving Him He sets us free
To gain a prize we cannot see.

Amazing love! Amazing grace!
That God Himself would take my place;
He died to give His life to me –
I’ll praise Him through eternity.

Christina Joy Hommes

The Nail Prints in His Hands

The Nail Prints in His Hands

The Nail Prints in His Hands

His hands and feet still bear the marks
From hanging on the tree;
The nail-scars tell a silent tale
That speaks to you and me.

They mark humiliation’s day
When Jesus bore our sin;
In lonely shame He died for us
That we might enter in.

They mark His triumph over death
For He who died now lives,
And by the power of that life
New life to us He gives.

They’re marks of pain and yet of peace,
Of everlasting grace;
Reminders for eternal day
That He has bought our place.

He bears the nail-prints in His hands
Which reach to you and me
To offer life, salvation, joy
For all eternity.

Christina Joy Hommes


Revelation 5:9 & Romans 10:14

Revelation 5:9 & Romans 10:14

Revelation 5:9 & Romans 10:14

From every place and people,
From every tribe and tongue,
From every scattered nation
God’s praises will be sung.

From Africa and Europe,
From Asia and the rest,
From islands and great cities
The chosen will be blessed.

Before God’s throne they’ll worship
United by His love
In pure, exalted praises
That resonate above.

How will they hear the gospel
Of freedom, life, and light
Unless one goes to tell them
Before the coming night?

Will you be there to worship?
And who will join you there
Because you spoke of Jesus
And showed His loving care?

Christina Joy Hommes

“And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by Thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;” Revelation 5:9

“How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?” Romans 10:14

My Old Receipts

My Old Receipts

My Old Receipts

The devil tries to give me
Receipts for all my sin
And tells me I must keep them
To reference once again.

But when the Lord forgave me,
He wiped the record clean –
He cast it out forever
So nothing’s left between.

For Jesus loves and saved me,
He died for me in love,
And now He wants to draw me
By grace to look above.

So I’ll destroy my records
Since God’s are gone for good –
I know that He’ll accept me
Just as He’s said He would.

Christina Joy Hommes

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

As far as the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions from us. Psalms 103:12

In those days, and in that time, saith the LORD, the iniquity of Israel shall be sought for, and there shall be none; and the sins of Judah, and they shall not be found: for I will pardon them whom I reserve. Jeremiah 50:20

He will turn again, He will have compassion upon us; He will subdue our iniquities; and Thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. Micah 7:19

Displayed at the Cross

Displayed at the Cross

Displayed at the Cross

The Cross displays the love of Christ
So deep and broad and high –
He showed the greatest love of all
In coming here to die.

The Cross displays the grace of God
So rich and full and free –
In giving us His only Son
The greatest grace we see.

The Cross displays the Spirit’s strength
So vast and strong and wide –
That greatest strength that raised the Lord
Is still our constant guide.

What love, what grace, what strength shine forth
From yonder Cross today –
Lord, thank You for the greatest gifts
Which mercy could display.

Christina Joy Hommes

Twice By Faith Alone

Twice By Faith Alone

Twice By Faith Alone

By faith alone a man believes
The gift of God is free,
Without true faith you can’t be saved
And gain eternity.

By faith alone a Christian lives
If he would please the Lord,
Without true faith you can’t please God
And find His rich reward.

Twice over, then, by faith alone
We live by faith not sight,
Because we hope for things unseen
Which God will bring to light.

Christina Joy Hommes

Looking to the Harvest

Looking to the Harvest

Looking to the Harvest

The harvest fields are ready
Where millions live and die –
Look up and see them calling,
Look up and hear their cry.

Look up and see the Savior
Who loves them every one
He calls for you to tell them
What He has freely done.

Look up and see the treasure
Which Jesus has prepared
For those who spread His gospel
And proved they really cared.

Look up and see the mansions
Prepared for us above
Then go and bring in others
To share the Savior’s love.

Look up and let compassion
So stir you that you go
To tell the precious story
That millions still don’t know.

Christina Joy Hommes