Gospel Poems

Across the Line with Jesus

Across the Line with Jesus

Across the Line with Jesus

When someone draws a haughty line
And says it’s “us” and “them,”
We’ll see across the line they drew
That Man from Bethlehem.

He always reached the lost and lone
And healed the sick and lame;
He saved the sinful, raised the dead,
And bore their guilt and shame.

So when we feel like being glad
We’re better than “that guy,”
Let’s stop and think what Jesus did
And tell our pride goodbye.

If we’ve been saved from sin and hell
It’s ’cause we’re one of “them,”
So let’s be quick to show the love
Of Christ from Bethlehem.

Christina Joy Hommes

See: Luke 18:9-14; Galatians 6:1

Still Worthy

Still Worthy

Still Worthy

Before the world existed
And time or space were made,
God’s Son was with the Father
In majesty arrayed.

But then He came among us,
A man like you and me.
He faced the same temptations
Yet stood in purity.

Messiah still was worthy
Of sitting on God’s throne
Where not a hint of evil
Can enter or be shown.

Then Jesus took our sin-load
With all our guilt and shame
And gave Himself as payment
As if He was to blame.

His sacrifice sufficient
To cancel all that sin,
The risen Christ ascended
And freely entered in.

He sat beside the Father
On God’s eternal throne
Unscathed and robed in glory
To claim it as His own.

Still worthy of His title,
Still worthy of His place,
Oh, what a glorious Savior
Now fills the throne of grace!

Christina Joy Hommes

It’s one thing for the Son to have been co-equal and able to sit on the Father’s throne before the incarnation. But He twice took steps that would have disqualified anyone else – facing life’s temptations and then bearing our sin – and yet He triumphed in purity and glory, still worthy to claim His title and throne. As we believe:


  • Lived on earth as one of us
  • Faced the same temptations and troubles we face
  • Never sinned in thought, word, or action
  • Remained pure and holy without a hint of sin
  • Was still worthy to sit on God’s holy throne after 33 years on earth

We know from experience what divine strength and purpose that takes!

And then He…

  • Took all of our sins as if they were His own and stood guilty in our place
  • Offered Himself as a sacrifice and died in our place
  • Was a substitute so pure, so infinite, so acceptable that He did what we could never do
  • Paid for and canceled the record of all those sins in full
  • Rose to eternal life unscathed by evil
  • Ascended worthy to sit on God’s righteous throne, retain His titles, and reclaim His rightful position of honor and majesty

That is magnificent and astonishing beyond our comprehension!

Truly the Lord Jesus is eternally worthy of all worship and praise.


Just Take One Step

Just Take One Step

Just Take One Step

If you’ve wandered far away
Don’t know where to start today
Take one step

You don’t have to see ahead
Little actions conquer dread
Take one step

If you cannot see the light
Ask the Lord to guide you right
Take one step

Take the step you see right now
More will open up somehow
Take one step

When your strength and hope are gone
And you feel you can’t go on
Take one step

When your way is dark with fear
And your prospects seem unclear
Take one step

As you go you’ll surely find
God sends help because He’s kind
Take one step

Draw a little closer in
Just say no to one more sin
Take one step

Step by step you’re nearing home
From wherever you may roam
Take one step

Let God show you where to go
Trust His love as best you know
Take one step

Take the step that you can see
Oh, don’t wait to come be free
Take one step

Christina Joy Hommes

Free to Live as Victors

Free to Live as Victors

Free to Live as Victors

These my people are forgiven
All their sins are washed away;
With my blood I bought their pardon,
Now there’s nothing more to pay.

All their guilt and condemnation,
All the wrath and bitter shame,
All their sin I took and canceled
When they called upon my Name.

Now they’re free to live as victors
Free from sin and death and fear,
Partners in my life eternal
With a record pure and clear.

Though the tempter may accuse them,
Seek to fill their minds with doubt,
Nothing stands to block their access –
All their sin is blotted out.

While I live, they’re heirs of heaven,
Kept and guided by my love;
Robed in white they’ll live forever
In their home of light above.

Christina Joy Hommes

Since Jesus Rose for Me

Since Jesus Rose for Me

Since Jesus Rose for Me

When Jesus rose in victory
It proved His work was done,
The debt for sin was paid in full,
And righteousness had won.

The check had cleared, the debt was gone,
My sin was washed away,
No wrath remained, no claim was owed –
He did it all that day.

And now I stand in Christ by grace
Complete, forgiven, free;
I’m justified and uncondemned
Since Jesus rose for me.

Christina Joy Hommes

This poem is part of Summer for the Soul a 14-day spiritual “devo-cation” that will refresh and encourage your heart. Get a copy to read or share here

God Didn’t Have to Care

God Didn’t Have to Care

God Didn’t Have to Care

Enthroned in perfect splendor
God didn’t have to care
About rebellious creatures
Who sinned and faced despair.

Yet love defined His nature –
He wouldn’t turn away
From those that He’d created
Though we had gone astray.

He felt our pain and sorrow
And grieved that we were lost;
He set His mind to save us
Despite the awful cost.

He left the light and glory,
The worship and the praise,
To share a world we’d broken
With all our sinful ways.

Then, when He’d faced temptation,
He took sin’s heavy load
And died the death we’d chosen
To pay the debt we owed.

Though crucified He triumphed –
He rose to crush our foe
And offer free salvation
To all who dwell below.

Now risen and exalted,
The God-man gladly bears
The marks of our redemption
Which make us sons and heirs.

Enthroned in perfect splendor
He reaches down in love
To save the lost and give us
His endless life above.

Christina Joy Hommes


A Christmas Invitation

A Christmas Invitation

A Christmas Invitation

The Christmas star is shining bright
To lead us to the place
Where Jesus came and lived with us
To save us by His grace.

The angels tell the joyful news
That Christ our Savior came
To offer peace to everyone
Who trusts His holy Name.

The shepherds call us all to come
And worship Him today,
To trust the One who came and died
To wash our sins away.

The Child Himself invites us each
To come so we’ll receive
His gift of love and endless life
For all who will believe.

So won’t you come and turn from sin
To trust in Christ alone?
He died and rose to save your soul
So you can be His own.

Christina Joy Hommes

The One Who Turned Away

The One Who Turned Away

The One Who Turned Away

Lord, were those meetings wasted,
Those times I spent in prayer,
The earnest preparation,
The love and help and care?

She seemed so close to heaven,
And though I fail, I know,
I really tried to love her
And show the way to go.

But still she wasn’t willing
To leave the path of sin
So she could follow Jesus
And feel His work within.

Oh, I can almost hear You,
“I too had many leave;
They would not turn toward heaven
And savingly believe.

“Your part is not to save them
But just to share the news
Of free and full salvation
Which some will still refuse.”

If Jesus Christ was willing
To teach a faithless throng
To win a few who trusted
I’ll serve my whole life long.

Lord, let Your Word I gave her
Re-echo in her mind
Until she turns to Jesus
Who heals the lost and blind.

Please let me meet this dear one
In heaven’s home above
And hear the glorious story
Of how she found Your love.

Christina Joy Hommes

“From that time many of His disciples went back, and walked no more with Him. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered Him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that Thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.” John 6:66-69

“This thou knowest, that all they which are in Asia be turned away from me; of whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes. … For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica; … I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His appearing.” 2 Timothy 1:15; 4:10a; 4:7-8

Who Have You Told?

Who Have You Told?

Who Have You Told?

Just stop a spell and think about
The one who told to you
The precious news that Jesus saves
And offers life that’s new.

You see their face and hear their voice
When thinking of the day
You first believed and knew for sure
Your sins were washed away.

Now who can stop and picture you
When thinking of the time
They found the Lord and by His grace
Began the upward climb?

If you’ll be one who takes the time
To share the Savior’s love,
Just think of all the friends you’ll take
To heaven’s home above.

Christina Joy Hommes




My life has been refurbished
Rebuilt again like new;
The Lord took broken pieces
And made His love the glue.

He built a brand-new motor
That takes a different fuel;
He’s tuning and refining
And made His grace the tool.

I’ve got a destination
When life has run its course;
The Lord has safely led me
And made His Word the source.

My life has been refurbished
It’s better than before;
God took a broken vessel
And changed me evermore.

Christina Joy Hommes

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.” 2 Corinthians 4:7